Why Don't I like the 'good' bikes?

BoyBurning":2wndet8l said:
So, just to summarise, are we all then agreed that a Saracen Sahara is a shite bike?



Yes, it is when it looks like this with crap forks with collapsed elastomers, pressed steel chainset and poor quality components:

BoyBurning":4xa0s2e4 said:
legrandefromage":4xa0s2e4 said:
BoyBurning":4xa0s2e4 said:
So, just to summarise, are we all then agreed that a Saracen Sahara is a shite bike?



No, its heart is a reasonable frame and it can be built into something usable with minimum effort:

But that's just a shite frame with nice aftermarket forks isn't it?


see above, looks can be deceiving:

So it used Tange tubing?

So what?

Your point is blatantly absurd in my mind.

It's a shite bike, but you can change everything on it and it becomes a reasonable bike?

So what?!

So I can find an old Yugo, which is a shite car, change everything on it that was original to it and end up with a reasonable car?

Why are we even having this debate here. It's as utterly pointless as the most pointless thing I can't even think of...

In answer the the OP question:

Yes, at times I am strangely drawn to the more 'common' bikes.

I have a Dynatech, and actually quite fancy a second.

I even rather fancy a Kilauea one day...

BoyBurning":p2jmzqha said:
So it used Tange tubing?

So what?

Your point is blatantly absurd in my mind.

It's a shite bike, but you can change everything on it and it becomes a reasonable bike?

So what?!

So I can find an old Yugo, which is a shite car, change everything on it that was original to it and end up with a reasonable car?

Why are we even having this debate here. It's as utterly pointless as the most pointless thing I can't even think of...


That is disappointing coming from you. and in answer to your question re Yugo, no - piss poor example (or watch Dragnet) -- the Sahara was a good frame made available with shite parts to allow access to better quality product.

It actually rides pretty good to, but I guess that is of no interest to anyone
The deabate has shifted

John":xvshik23 said:
My_Teenage_Self":xvshik23 said:
I find myself looking dreamily at lavadomes and clockworks. If anyone has a Rocklobster lying around, let me know.

This is from the original poster and has somewhat been lost in the debate. Clockworks, lavadomes or rock lobsters (of preston of course) are not bad bikes by any means. One would probably say they were 'good bikes' although not expensive ones in the scale of things.

I think that's important... This particular debate has wandered a bit

The OP was talking about what he found to be adequate bikes and not feeling a desire for XTR encrusted exotica

But by the time I got here we were talking about whether people with pressed steel supermarket bikes of back in the day should be encouraged and supported in pouring time effort and cash into those old bikes

So my point is: If we feel we see a fundamentally compromised design at heart, we should all feel free to voice our observations and debate them

At the end of the day we are talking about someone picking up a bike for £30 and appearing on the forum with it

They can sell it back on again, get their £30 for it and armed with their newly found knowledge get something else for £30 that does the job and can be a decent project basis

It's easy. Just good old common sense

Of course;

- I guess if somebody wants to acknowledge a bikes flaws, but they love it anyway then good luck to them, but perhaps they shouldn't expect universal acclaim from all quarters

- But all I've seen from these guys is them freaking out when somebody makes an accurate technical observation which doesn't fit with their preconceptions

I don't necessarily see it in terms of religion/socio economics/politics

But: I'm a 3 in Pete_mcc's demographical analysis back there!

As follows:

Since joining just a short while ago, I have built this:


And documented every penny I spent, cos I'm a miserly get, not a snob

In fact when the posh kids started their RBoQ I was thinking of starting RBoBB 'Our Bob'

Retro Bikes of Bargain Bin, for all the rough happy finds that have been made to shine like little gems

Here's my build thread


I am not a snob!!!
sinnett177":h39xy2vn said:
pete_mcc":h39xy2vn said:
or races like OWMTBC that drive people to race the things.
Just to be factual, the OWMTBC isn't a race.

It's a bloody mouthful that much I know. But there was a winner wasn't there, or was that decided by a bearded collective in smelly jumpers sat round a cafe table like the first British Mountain Bike champion back in 1986? (and thats not a joke either, that's how Mike Newton became British MTB champ!)

It's actually a pretty good example really.

Essentially, the Yugo (as it became) shared what were at the time a pretty advanced layout and set of mechanicals from FIAT with, amongst others, what became the Visa from Citroen.

The Visa was a good car, at a similar price and Market sector to the Yugo - which wasn't a good car in honesty - no matter how many films it appeared in.

So, essentially, if wanted someone could pretty much change all the bits from a Yugo and end up with a visa.

I would take the visa, which was a good car.

Obviously I'm not a snob, as I wouldn't have a cheap supermini car like that if I were.

If you bother, the analogy between Saracen Sahara and Yugo is a pretty bloody good one in terms of upgrading etc. Certainly not a piss poor one. Yes, everything can be upgraded, but it's not then the same piece of kit is it...?

But, the question remains as to why this debate is being had.
