Who's allowed to ride your bikes?


Bontrager Fan
I had a bit of a dilemma the other day. A mate had come round to do some work on his bike. We took it apart and found I didn't have a BB tool. He reckoned he did at home, but needed to borrow a bike to go and look. I was suddenly reluctant to let him borrow any of mine! None of them are particularly valuable. What's wrong with me?

Am I unusual? Who will you trust with your bikes? Who won't you let anywhere near them and why?
Trait I think I got from my father. I think I will lend out just about anything of mine except my wife.
any body i let. So feel honored if i let you :LOL: So far only 2 retrobikers in over 3 yrs
Love the photo of the big chap. I like how even the cat's taking cover.

I'm OK about lending almost everything else of mine out. I then forget who's got what.
Noone rides them but me. Sure at a retrobike meet that would be different though. Might be some small rules. No rough handling the Pace, not too much water near the Fats, no skidding on the Umma Gummas.... Lol .. But the you lot all know that anyway.