I'm only down here 'cause it is so slow up there..
I'd consider voting for anyone who demonstrates the ability to do some holistic joined-up thinking, and talking, in the public service... which is not going to happen.
..and that is why I will not be voting.
For example, every politico blathers on about the NHS, but none of them (publicly) ask the pertinent question of how and why we all got so sick and/or accident-prone in the first place?
Every politico blathers on about 'economic growth', but none of them will (publicly) admit that promoting an ideology of continuous growth- and putting it into practice- on a finite planet is absurd, not to mention suicidal, (plus v.bad for your health..)
If the real issues could be laid bare, the primary-coloured mystifying soundbites would quickly reveal their utter foolishness, hypocrisy and emptiness. As things stand, 'voting' is an euphemism for: 'helping to choose which shovel we use to dig ourselves out of the ditch...'
Most kids know this instinctively, which is why they get labelled as 'politically disengaged', or, if they do get politically engaged- engaged beyond meekly parroting the usual mainstream mumbo-jumbo, then they've been 'radicalised'. They cannot win. Notice how 'radical' has become a dirty word? it once meant 'exploring the roots of things'..