** Who rides a Fat Bike? **


Gold Trader
MacRetro Rider
Yeti Fan
Who here rides a Fat Bike?

What do you like and what do you disike about it?

I have an itch to scratch and I’m wondering if it might just be the ideal bike for the terrain I have out here in Lewis/Harris...?

Your thoughts please peeps! 8)
I have done many years ago. I found them great for the very limited bandwidth of use but for most other uses, the width of the tyres and such low gearing meant pretty much useless for everything else unless you downsized the tyres and increased the ratio for the gears.

As they were never meant to be anything other than off road and for fun, on that they are brilliant. You certianly on the Hebrides, have an ideal environment for a fat bike. Sometime after getting my Moonlander, there was a fatbike u.k. forum? which did well. Looking for it now all I can find is that it closed down, moved to facebook then usual forum politics style took over and it's now very fragmented.

I seem to recall a few members in here who were heavily into the fatbike scene. A well known fatbiker in Scotland, Bruce but known in here as coastkid and one in Northumberland (saltyman)

I see people riding them and they usually fit a certain stereotype. Same as a quad.

Unless you riding in snow/sand why would you just use a trail bike?
d8mok":2wjymorz said:
I see people riding them and they usually fit a certain stereotype. Same as a quad.

I've stopped myself buying a Sonder Vir Fortis a few times (& a Broken Road more often to be fair) & if I had the room to garage one I'd fancy a trike so maybe I've a leaning towards that stereotype! :D

Yeh of course. Mid 40’s-50. Fluro clothing. Carbon 150mm bike. Thinks 12 miles is a long ride.
Well, I have two fatbikes and ride them a lot in snow during winter but I live in Sweden so....
I ride them in summer as well, excellent for real off-trailbiking. 20 miles is not a problem :)
Global Fatbike Day once again.
Thought I would share this macretro post here to show Fatbikes aren't dead for us up here in the Highlands either. We had a quiet one for us three but there was a longer, starting earlier ride out of Inverness with a few dozen riders.
For timings for myself as it's a few hours south for me we just did it in a small group. I think this must be close to 10 for Brian and I.

Similar to last year, Caleb, my son 13, joined Brian and myself for a ride down Brians locality. Brian and I on our trusty Pugsley and Caleb on his Baby Fatty. That may be it's last ride as he is rapidly outgrowing it.
We headed out through Strathpeffer and this time upwards to the stone circle then followed the hill along it's side slowly climbing to emerge up on knockfarral. We then rode along the top and descended down the Dingwall side and then rode back along the valley on the Peffery way to Strathpeffer station and then back up the road to the deli for another warming cuppa and some cake. We did stop there on the way through to start this loop when we had some coffee and bacon rolls for lunch.
Weather was glorious, sunny, dry though very icy and very cold. I don't think it got above 0 degree all day.
Brilliant afternoon out riding, just getting back on dark, which was cutting it fine with no lights between us. Caleb and I then drove back up the road before it was too icy.


Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer,