who makes modern off-the-peg steel frames nowadays?

I thought it was a bit pricey. €2-3000 for an off the peg. Didn't look at the bespoke.

I was only posting the link as the thread asked who makes modern steel frames.... i think they are expensive maybe they will last the 30+ years that the classic reto's have?

I wonder if in 1970/80 they were the equivalent price?

I am happy with my Raleigh/Dyna-Tech 853

That's fair enough,it's good to have choices.
Steel bikes should last a looooooooooong time !
And they're repairable too. I had the front half of a Roberts replaced once after a crash in a road race!
You see THM, I had a broom too ! :facepalm:

I too applaud anyone making steel frames but only for making them, not they should be coveted regardless of price.
Its super trendy now to build steel frames and you get all these one off builders popping up selling frames for very high monetary value when the end product is no different from most others on the market. 2000 euro for the frame I just looked at on that site, standard lugs etc, no chrome, single colour paint job in a standard tubing from a builder I have never heard of before, which is neither here nor there really. The same frame from Mercian or Bob Jackson would be around £600 - £700 pounds , converted to euro and its still under half price. If you want one of these then that's fine, but in my opinion for that sort of money you could get a good custom made frame from a lot of other people.
This thread is good because you see where others get ideas and inspiration from and also I realise if your buying new you may want it all modern, not retro, you want it to be a modern looking, modern brand build. So each to their own really.
A couple of brands I have seen recently with really skilful build work as well as off the peg models available have been from two small Taiwanese builders, one of who works out of Tange's factory site and does amazing lug work, either custom or off the peg. One of my other favourites is Kavalinka in Japan. Certainly for the price of some of those mentioned here you would get an incredible machine. Hell, off the peg is not much more than a Bob Jackson base model to start with.
Just some thoughts. My point I suppose is that if you were looking at the frames from that last site, or the money they cost, then I think there is far better value out there and fort hose prices there is a whole wide world of custom or off the peg.



I completely agree about the cost, the above link are not for new but retro bikes, cost about the same or less, but if you need replacement parts then good luck as we all know NOS or good quality parts can cost a small fortune.
Europe must be an expensive place to buy a quality steel frame? Or would you trust buying from a popular online bidding site?
Just for interest would you buy a new alu/carbon bike for £1200-£2000 or a new steel (modern) or used historic retro steel for whatever you can find them at (some are very inflated prices due to manufacturer)

I am not posting to provoke anything or affend anyone, just the price of a new bike from the high street shop LBS can be just as high as other sites.
Re: Re:

cab3086":vk4cqxww said:

I completely agree about the cost, the above link are not for new but retro bikes, cost about the same or less, but if you need replacement parts then good luck as we all know NOS or good quality parts can cost a small fortune.
Europe must be an expensive place to buy a quality steel frame? Or would you trust buying from a popular online bidding site?
Just for interest would you buy a new alu/carbon bike for £1200-£2000 or a new steel (modern) or used historic retro steel for whatever you can find them at (some are very inflated prices due to manufacturer)

I am not posting to provoke anything or affend anyone, just the price of a new bike from the high street shop LBS can be just as high as other sites.

I wouldn't say that Europe is an expensive place to buy a frame. My Jackson was under £500, before any extras, like fancy paint etc.
There is a local firm that will build you a ti frame for around £1600, if you're into paying a lot for a frame.
Not for me though. Sure, a Colnago would be nice, but all the time people are willing to pay stupid money for them, sellers will ask for stupid money!
And steel over carbon every time! And DEFINITELY over alloy !

I had a bespoke 29er fillet braised Columbus frame made inc paint and personalised decals then kitted it out for less than the list on a good spec charge cooker.

It all depends if you want trend or quality. Or trend and quality. Or a quality trend. Or......

Going for a lie down.

29er is 700c, on an mtb. It's all the fashion. . . . Then 650b .
. . . That's the fashion now. In between. 26 and 29. . . . . Whatever next?
