Which Grafton cantis?


BoTM Winner
Gold Trader
Trying to figure out which model they are. Shape says Mag Lites, but Bikepro says they only came in black. Ano removed maybe? Opinions, facts, or conjecture wanted.


the basic brake pad holders instead of titanium & the lack of tiny seals suggest a grafton copy, rather than actual grafton. mag lites were also available in a raw dark mottled grey colour, with clearcoat over the top. the clearcoat wasnt too effective at preventing magnesiums inevitable corrosion & some maglites can look dirty dark grey as a result.
do they have spring tension adjusters in each arm? the picture of parts in the plastic bag doesnt look to have them, which again suggest a grafton copy.
scant":11ml3kll said:
, which again suggest a grafton copy.

Exactly ,
I believe those are the later, Crystal Design brakes.
You won't find those at "bike pro" as they post date the site.
Adjuster in one arm only. I thought something seemed irregular. Odd that they would need the special little sleeve/washer thing between the brake boss and the arm retainer like other Graftons, unless the Crystal Design brakes used the same system?
Here are some mag lites

notice the little o-ring seals.
Do your's have a grove for an o-ring?

these had adjusters on both sides too (although anything is possible with graftons)

they also had seals between the arms, although I have seen these "get lost" along the way : )

There's no o-ring groove. Bikepro does mention a yet-to-be-released (at the time) Speed Controller II. I can't find any info on them (if John even made them).