Devout Dirtbag
But the decals were not correct era I believe was a sticking point…It should have won the Show and Shine. A tremendous build with the most eye-popping fluro I've ever seen on a bike.
But the decals were not correct era I believe was a sticking point…It should have won the Show and Shine. A tremendous build with the most eye-popping fluro I've ever seen on a bike.
Umm, not likely. My guess is the "period correct nazi police" didn't take lightly to the 93-4 era Vetta saddle, the 1992 3D fork in-lieu-of 1991 2x4, 1998 Michelin Wildgripper tires on a 91 bike. The decals are close, font is correct. The catalog doesn't show the titanium decal on the downtube.But the decals were not correct era I believe was a sticking point…