which bike companies do you wish would make a comeback?


Japanese like Miyata, Kuwahara and Panasonic and others with bikes they sometimes do still build, but not supply here anymore because of expensive Yen. Wouldn't be as negatively charged as the resurrection of some other brands also.
Having similar thoughts about the question. If (insert brand here) started making bikes again and you spent your hard earned cash buying one and you were disappointed. Don't bring back old brands.
Must admit that if Chris Chance picked up his tools and started making the Yo again I'd be very tempted. It'd have to be with him in charge though as I've no interest in someone else knocking bikes out using the name.
Speaking about Chris, what's happend with this guy? He just vanished and haven't heard too much about him. Looks like he's really taken a piss with bike business.
Last time I heard from him was back in 1990...

If bikes hadn't had evolved and changed we wouldn't be here now, would we :idea:.
Or have I missed something :?:

We wouldn't be able to appreciate the purity and simplicity of the bikes we now love, but BITD were just bikes?
Radoslaw":2rezzwtb said:
Speaking about Chris, what's happend with this guy? He just vanished and haven't heard too much about him. Looks like he's really taken a piss with bike business.

He is a masseuse AFAIK and has no interest in bikes( internet sourced).
I think, as other have said, for example, if you got Chris Chance involved with say IF (there is a connection with old Fat Chance yeah?) to some degree. Did a limited run of maybe two frames, say a Yo Eddie to the same specs as a mid 90's frame, that came with the rigid fork, then another say call it a team that was still steel but adjusted for a 100mm fork and disc tabs, basically as though they had never stopped making them. Then that would be something great.

But none of this, we jsut make some generic hydrofomed thingy and bung a famous name and paint job on it. That's just lame.

I must admit, I do like my Zaskar reissue.
Chris Chance also made steel garden furniture for a while, and I have heard he has zero interest in bicycles. Indepent Fab is what became of Fat City and is a direct lineage. If there was a new Yo' it would be an Indy Fab. I also recall that the people who formed Inde Fab were not exactly in love with CC after he 'sold out' to Serotta and left them jobless....
The tides of time

It's funny how things ebb and flow over time

Saracen used to be awesome

Muddy Fox used to make cracking bikes with real style

Both of them just kept cutting costs back and making bikes in cheaper ways each season

I swear I can see the trend happening with the big US originated names now like GT, Kona, Cannondale, Specialized, Trek

It's short termist, you'll sell a huge quantity of bikes to kids and people with racks on the back of their VW Sharan, but you will ultimately kill off your top end buyers interest and have no prestige

Saracen are trying to turn back (making top bikes in the UK again), I wish Muddy Fox would get it together too

Personally I feel if you want to have prestige and sell rubbish, you should create a sub-brand for the rubbish stuff and make sure it really isn't very rubbish at all, just cheap and made in Asia

It's how it's done in the Guitar world by the likes of Fender and Gibson

Of course the bike buying public don't understand that suspension and disk brakes that actually work would cost money, they think they can expect that technology on a £100 BSO... Buyer stupidity complicates things...

I'm not 100 sure but I have a feeling Diamond back are a Raliegh brand now?

If they are that would explain a lot

Raleigh shut down their Nottingham plant yonks ago

Between then Raleigh and Falcon own most of the old Brit brands

And for the most part they use them as labels for their tripe

Ah well! At least we have the past to look forward to