Where have all the nods and waves gone ?


Retro Guru
So there I am out on my Saturday morning ride. Nothing too long as I am all lurgied at the moment.

I got increasingly more sad as the ride went on though. It wasn't the bloke who stopped his people carrier in the middle of the road to look at a map and then pulled across and carved me up into the kerb when he realised the traffic had moved on. It wasn't even the woman who came up behind me at 60 mph and skidded in behind me at the last moment to avoid the oncoming car (then she then leaned on the horn at me as she went past). And it really wasn't the bloke in the oncoming Mercedes 4x4 who skimmed two feet past me on the wrong side of the road whilst he lit his cigarette with both hands and steered with his knees.

No, it was the 4 different "pretend roadies" who I waved and nodded to as I went past. All 4 blanked me totally. Only the old boy on his mountain bike that I always see gave me his usual nod and grin.

What the f*ck is happening to cyclists these days ? Did I get invisible when I turned 50 or something ?

Rant over :lol:
It's beacause you are old and this 'cycling lark' is done by hip people and the yooof these days.

Give it up Grandad!

al. :D
Mate If I go out on my steel bike I get blanked by riders who are on modern Carbon things :roll:

A few weeks ago I caught a chap all kitted out from Halfords and riding a carbon boredman bike!
As I went by he said ''How can that be, your on an old Raleigh and i'm on a carbon bike'' and he pedalled even harder.
Ian Raleigh":24wtr3kf said:
Mate If I go out on my steel bike I get blanked by riders who are on modern Carbon things :roll:

A few weeks ago I caught a chap all kitted out from Halfords and riding a carbon boredman bike!
As I went by he said ''How can that be, your on an old Raleigh and i'm on a carbon bike'' and he pedalled even harder.

Steel! :shock:

You wanna get some Carbon..... It's the future.

You and argonsixor (I suspect is not his real name) should go out on a ride together. you can wave at each other and pass comment on each others out dated bicycles.

Don't thank me, I'm here to help.

al. :D
al":3ab11cd3 said:
You wanna get some Carbon..... It's the future.

I as got a modern alloy/carbon shitter and get nodded by other riders who are on carbon shitters too, This makes my blood boil.
i think the proper cyclists will always wave/nod but the newer people who have come to the sport since the olympics fever/wiggins fever/hoy fever don't know the traditions of it all and therefore think people like us who do nod or whatever are weird!
Slightly off topic!

But I used to own a Ford Escort RS2000 and if I ever came across another RS2000 we would both flash our lights in respect.
on the VW T5 forum it's a courtesy to wave to other T5 owners when it's obvious it's a private owner like myself, today coming back from brighton after the tour de cake ride i waved at 6 VW van owners, mostly T5 and some T4's and none acknowledged me
I is a MTBer and I nod, wave at all cyclists. Not all wave back, some are too cool!

My first car was a mini, a proper one, not the BMW shit, and we mini drivers always waved at each other.
I wave vociferously at every passer by; pedestrian, trucker, jet pilot, surfer.

Does anyone really think approaching cyclists first sort you by method of transport, then by frame material at some point?

Crikey, I though David Icke was on something.

Not a bike.