When two become one……………

If this is the result of owning a tandem, I think I'm going to keep hold of it out of pure jealousy!🤣🤣🤣
This is a good thing....if THM plays it right and the missus gets all inquisitive and does a little google about the effects of tandem joy then withholding it can only make her desire it more....the tandem that is...and of course the effects of said tandem...🤨
This is a good thing....if THM plays it right and the missus gets all inquisitive and does a little google about the effects of tandem joy then withholding it can only make her desire it more....the tandem that is...and of course the effects of said tandem...🤨
I've just realised I've got a tandem frame in the garage which if her in doors gets wind off (she cannot ride a bike for medical reasons) it will be like have a lady of the night in the garage! She'll be tapping my phone and looking at bank statements!🤣🤣🤣🤣

Man I need an alibi real quick🤣🤣🤣
Having a right old laugh at this. Emotional blackmail and pussy footing around.

Years ago, I went to Gotland, Sweden for an holiday with my then French girlfriend. The island is car restricted - so bike is the way to go and visit the island. Girlfriend not at all a cyclist, I think the best way is a tandem. I find a bloke willing to hire a tandem. It's heavy as hell and something from the birth of the Swedish Industrial Revolution. 40 mins later we get her (the stoker) position tip top and my position as the captain still way off the mark. No pain no gain I think. Between captain and stoker we agree one key word - "Turbo" - which means dig deep and get on the rivet to get this hunk over the crest of any hill.

We ride around for 6 hours on this. On road and off road. Up hills, down hills. I'm glad we are both alive at the end of day; I'm exhausted.

My arms feel like I went through three boxing matches with Mike Tyson and my legs feel I went ten sprints trying to hold the wheel of Sir Chris Hoy. The back pain was horrific, so bad I had to ask for a low stool at the bar to sit on and enjoy a beer.

I asked my girlfriend what she thought of the whole tandem experience and if she enjoyed. I get the reply "It's great, it's like cycling, but not cycling" 🤦‍♂️ She was so busy soft pedalling / not pedalling, taking her hands off the bars taking photographs, waving to people, putting make up on, reading tourist literature, having her own pic-nic I couldn't fcuking believe what I was hearing.

Never, ever, ever, again.
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