When is a bike a gravel bike? Or not…

The other problem is people are so accustomed to everything now in one place.

Your phone does calls, camera, text, email, tv, music....everything in one.

That's what people now expect....so why doesn't my bike do that? Well frankly for the same reason a multi tool is not as good as a tool chest!

As slightly older people, we are happy with tje fact that to ride fast on the road you need a road bike and to ride roughly offroad you need a mtb. Younger people expect a single package which encompasses everything they need....

The gravel bike is trying to be the i-phone of bikes. Problem is it does everything kinda ok...but not brilliantly. So it gets tweeked...fatter tyres, thinner tyres, more carbon, more steel, less weight, stronger and heavier, 27.5, 29, 700c......

But like all compromises pulling it one way, buggers it another.

So i suggest for happy riding, just have lots of bikes.

Like we all do.....now theres justification of a hobby if you ever needed it.
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