When all the car have died.....

Stick Legs":31isags1 said:
I am not a 'believer' when it comes to global warming, and please no one try to shout me down, I just think there is more to it, you are welcome to your opinion, as I am to mine.

Oh boy! :D

First off, I'd just like to say that I agree with almost everything else you say. ;)

.......but. There is now indisputable scientific evidence that CO2 emissions caused by human activity are a major contributor to climate change.

The days when the scientific community were split on this point are well and truly over and although everyone is entitled to there own opinion, this one kind of sits along side hollow earth theories in it's basis on current understanding.

This isn't a rant at you, but I do get cheesed off with the popular media sometimes and the weight they give to some of the more dubious 'experts' in the area of global warming. It gives a completely skewed version of the reality of the situation. :LOL:

As far as the car ever dieing;........never going to happen as long as fuel can be produced. You don't need a fossil fuel resource to make diesel, bio crops will do just as well (if not better).

Unfortunately bio-crops are already proving an unrealistic alternative.Much de-forestation is occuring in order to grow these crops, much of the land previously used for grazing animals and growing grain crops is being used for the more profitable bio-fuel crops...but there will never be enough. Are we really going to be deciding- fuel or food??
The numbers speak for themselves...more new cars are sold every year than the previous one..and there is never going to be enough road space soon for every one...FACT. So...keep the old two wheels spinning and guard them well for soon they will be a very valuable commodity! :cool: ...the future's so bright i gotta wear shades... :(
cherrybomb":3hsvxzlx said:
.......but. There is now indisputable scientific evidence that CO2 emissions caused by human activity are a major contributor to climate change.

proper scientific evidence gathered from a control planet with identical conditions but no humans?
Like I say....hollow earth.

You don't need a control planet......that's just propaganda.

There is climatic data locked away in the ice at the poles that records the planets weather for thousands of years along with fossil and geological data. No one is disputing that the climate hasn't changed before, it's just never changed this fast before.
Oh, and the temperature rise coincides with human activity and it's related CO2 emissions.

Like I said, mainstream scientific opinion is overwhelmingly in agreement, but that doesn't mean people can't have a different opinion.

Personally I'm with the Scientologists, they make sense. :D
typhoon":2vxjemfc said:
:shock: Absolutely not...bicycles, in any form, are far and away the most economical, energy efficient, mode of transport. Ok..so it will take you longer if we are talking a long way...but for most of my daily life , sod the car and get the bike out. And if it happens to be a fair distance...set off earlier...and eat more.Oh.. and dont forget your patches and pump!!! :cool:

Might be case but you get wet and sweaty! lol.. I used my bike for exercise and nipping to the shops but i'd never subject my work colleges or anyone in a public place my BO ridden body after cycling miles :LOL:
cherrybomb":3bsqekmk said:
Like I say....hollow earth.

Oh, and the temperature rise coincides with human activity and it's related CO2 emissions.

Cant prove it hasnt risen this fast before as carbon dateing because very innacurate over seriously long time frames.. and as for human activity versus climate change, the research on the ice caps showed that there was no corralation between periods of extreme CO2 output and global mean temperatures..

Go to your nearest cathederal and look at the walls, there are markings from floods with dates most up above head hight! and you think the weather is bizare now?