Wheel build

There are some funky spoke patterns that are usable for show, although standard 3x is standard for a reason😉 Screenshot_20250314-165522_Firefox.webp Screenshot_20250314-165611_Firefox.webp Screenshot_20250314-165656_Firefox.webp
Don't be tempted by snowflake - it's like shorthand for saying you don't understand what you're doing🤣

Some cool patterns need varying spoke lengths though, quite a challenge if you want to get it right 1st time...
As a (square taper) rule the left crank arms fail at 10x the rate of drive side.

This is because any fractional movement between the crank and axle unscrews the Left securing bolt.

It's not to say a lh arm doesn't exist - sometimes the owner breaks the arm or damages the spider.

Just that it's rare.
We've got around 100 s/h l/h crank arms, often from bikes that are too worn to be repairable.
Never m900 though.

If you could live with a close match, it's an easy fix.
You can't see both cranks at the same time, so it's quite discreet.