whats the first wishbone frame?


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
as it says. just wondering really cus i used to have one. cant remember what it was though...
tough one. I remember Muddy Fox. But can't think that they were first!
Both my 96 cannondale and 98 clocky had them,and the 94 dynatech torus also had one.
but other than that ,i dunno :?

Good question though :cool:,it will be interesting to know how early they came along
well, the first conventional diamond shaped frame was the 1885 Rover made by John Kemp Starley - this is considered the first 'modern' bicycle.

wishbone? hard to pin down
Mountain Goat was doing wishbone stays in '89, but somebody else may have been doing them on mtb's before that.
so montain goat were doing it in 89 lest to say someone else probably was! i think mine was probably a muddy fox...