What's the coolest bike model name you ever heard?

Always liked the Kona Sex

Trailstar is a good one . probably named because of the Hutch Trickstar )

skyway TA ( totally aero )

Standard has the STA ( stronger than all )

FBM ( fat bald men or fire beer mayhem ) had the Oldboy because it had older geometry and was suited to older guys riding trails .

S&M has some great ones .

The Dirtbike and the longer one the Holmes ( John Holmes the porn star with the long schlong :LOL: )

The HAF was S&M having a dig at the Standard STA and stood for heavy as fook . They now have the LAF light as fook and the LTF lighter than fook .

The HWA fong daddy just sounds funny
donkis knob and dogs bolx are 2 of my favourites then yo eddy etc.........modern wise my new moots is canny:

I reckon Miyata's SKYEXPRESSION has too be hard to beat. Not rude or clever but somehow ubercool...

I see images of impossible arial maneuvers flying past in my mind (man!) :LOL: