What year is my Specialized Rockhopper?

neebsta":15mdp0mh said:
Trebz":15mdp0mh said:
1988. Same as mine, are you selling it as I may buy it....

Link here, also see my signature:


If you're from Hull originally, did this bike come from Rob Winstanley?

Nope, I bought if from Roy at Star Bikes http://www.starbikes.net/, I was his Saturday lad for a while in 1988 / 1989. I had to save up to buy the original one. The one I have now I bought recently via Ebay. Loving every ride I have on it I have to admit.

Thanks for the comment

I am convinced it's a '88 now thanks but looks like it's not worth much so I'll just keep riding and enjoying it :-)
thats the spirit mate

you could always join the mighty MACRETRO ,and take it out into the hills
it would enjoy that i think ,as would you

these are great bikes, I have 3 I think its an 88 because the 89's had normal canti's,
blue's 88 and blacks 89