Xt cantilever missing parts


Old School Hero
Seems I'm missing 3 of these little covers

I'm guessing it's a part that's commonly missing and not widely available?


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They are quite useful iirc, they sit over the boss and help hold the brakes on (I think), had some LX brakes where they broke and I seem to recall at some point realising I could slide the brakes off over the bolt on the rear. It was many years ago.

You could find some, I think there are repro ones in metal sold for the m900 brakes.
It's basically just a dust cover, and they almost always crack on LX and XT. I keep wondering if someone will 3D print some.

The brakes function fine without them, but it leaves a weird lip sticking out. Somewhere I have an entire bin of XT/LX brakes with broken/missing caps. Even the ones that look good have a little hairline crack in the plastic.

The XTR cone washer things are different and are not attached to the brake, they came as part of the Ti mounting bolt kit I think.
They are quite useful iirc, they sit over the boss and help hold the brakes on (I think), had some LX brakes where they broke and I seem to recall at some point realising I could slide the brakes off over the bolt on the rear. It was many years ago.

You could find some, I think there are repro ones in metal sold for the m900 brakes.
I tried searching for these, couldn’t find any, so you have a link?
Blimmey, back in my day as an apprentice, I could have smashed out a few hundred of these from Nylon on my Citizen B12 lathe…..once programmed, that’s about 1/2hrs work…..! It would have been FOC too, just cover postage.
I remember now why my brakes could simply pull off. I replaced the original and wider dome head bolts with standard Allen head bolts, why, coz at the time they were available in snno colours. As they were no wider then the brakes boss, they weren't wide enough to hold the calliper captive.

I did have a few of these black things new kicking around. I'll see if I still have them over the weekend.