What Winds You Up?

Religion (all of them) , religious extremists (the ones who like to chop off heads) and people who say "ah, bless"
Think i'll go an watch songs of praise now

All religious extremists.
Just to clarify, are all religions stemmed from the same God just with different names for him ?
I'm not taking the P , as a non-religious man I really don't know.

Mr Cheese, I thought hammers were your go to tool for bike adjustments

Re: Re:

Mike Muz 67":38c3k20c said:
All religious extremists.
Just to clarify, are all religions stemmed from the same God just with different names for him ?
I'm not taking the P , as a non-religious man I really don't know.

Mr Cheese, I thought hammers were your go to tool for bike adjustments


Judaism, Christianity and Islam have common roots


Oops sorry !

Can I start a new religion and preach to the god of Tange Prestige tubing?
TP is go ! Oh , hang on a minute that sounds like building supplier.

Neighbours leaving dogs out to bark & howl.

And seasonal wind ups.
Last Christmas by George Michael.
Do they know it's christmas time - band aid.
Do They Know It's Ebola?

I can't understand why they left most of the original patronising lyrics intact.

Bob Geldof on X Factor?

Why oh why?

He was a hero once.
Kids in pubs.
Weather forecasters that tell me what the weathers doing rather than what its going to do, for fecks sake I can stick my head out of the window to know that.
People that can't see the elephant in the room and call others that can 'racists'.
People who vote Labour.
Councils who fly the flag of another nation or minority group from the town hall to make some sort of leftie political point but won't let council tax payers fly the Union flag.
Selfish cyclist who ride two or even three abreast to make a point.