What to do with Broken RTS


Retro Guru
I've got a broken RTS frame, cracked above the top pivot and an the downtube.

I really cant bring myself to throw this away but it's beyond repair and taking up space.

Any ideas beofore it's recycled into Coke cans?

No I wasn't thankfully, but the guy I got it off was... I dont think he was injured, but gutted about the frame!!
Penholder from the BB area. Park-style loo roll holder from the head tube. Unless you've got a door that needs a big long pull-handle made from the top tube, with head tube at one end and pierced seat tube bit at the other, that'd be ace mounted vertically.
Sorry boxxer, missed your question. Yeah ive got the back end, i'm waiting for a front triangle to crop up so i can build it up.

I like the door handle suggestion, i dont think my wife would appeciate it on the living room door though ;] hmm pen holder from the bb, that may be a goer
Good spot alanf, I'll keep an eye on that.
Definitely not too big, perfect in fact. I'd imagine there'll be a fair amount of interest in it..
Front end for an RTS

I have a couple of front ends, I guess I could bear to part with one of them. One I bought off eBay a month or so ago, the other I got when I bought a job-lot of RTS rear ends. One is purple and a 97 I believe, the other is black and a 94 I think. The black one has a mark on the top-tube but I think this is only down to the metal and not a dent, though difficult to tell for certain. I also have my original RTS-2 with a steel rear end, but this has started to crack where the rocker pivot is mounted to the frame. This can be welded, I just have not got around to doing it. I read on a forum somewhere that someone had a mate who used to add these mounts every season so it is def. possible.

Anyway, just putting that out there.

Here is one I made earlier - GT Team RTS.
