What state is retro biking in at the moment?


I've built and ridden lots this year, retro in preference to modern. I bought the bike I couldn't afford as a kid (1989 Explosif) and raced it at Mountain Mayhem. Price-wise, things are on the up, but eBay still has some gems which allows anyone into the retro scene for naff all money. Rideable Saracen Shahara for £9.50 as an example! Also, postage has meant that buying small stuff second-hand just isn't worth it, especially bars which can be very expensive to post with Royal Mail.

What I think we need are some more dedicated retro races / race categories, like the Brighton Big Dog. I think building /restoring old bikes is fun, but riding them is more fun. Whilst the Explosif is fairly rare, it is scruffy enough to ride - like all my bikes. I can't see myself building a NOS steed and not riding it.

I would also encourage all members to go along to the RetroBIKE-organised rides or races where RetroBIKERs are participating.


I forgot to say that recently I sold a 1990 Lava Dome, I spotted the new owner, a ~12 year old girl, riding it at the Bontrager Twentyfour12 :D she said it was great. So let's keep some old gold at reasonable prices so the young'uns can have a go. I was really pleased someone was riding it as it was intended.

The Facebook site (not connected with here) seemed to be really picking up a couple of weeks ago, but they've started deleting posts with lower value bikes in and every other post is moaning about the deletions! I think people prefer going on Facebook rather than forums now?

I'm hardly ever on here as I am so busy and don't have time.

I guess what got me thinking in the first place was that a few years ago if I didn't come on here for a day or so I'd have at least a page of new posts, if not more in pre 97 chat to catch up on. These days you can have posts from 4 or 5 days previous on page 1. Add to that the attendance at local and national rides seems to have dropped off a bit with many of the mainstays from the past not riding now.

Really interesting question and one I'd also been pondering for a while.

From a personal perspective, just like Rampage, I'm very busy with working all the time at the moment. Consequently I've been spending a lot less time on the forum. I haven't had time to read the whole of this thread (see above) but I've scanned through and picked up on a few things.

Yes, the forum does appear to be a bit quieter than it has been, and there are a few long standing members who only pop in rather less frequently.
I know that several people, having met in real life, communicate directly through social media and by phone rather than through the forum. This could well be an offshoot of the volume of organised rides over the past few years. More opportunities to meet real people and make real friends.
So while the forum seems less used, I suspect the level of communication between individuals and groups of members is just as high.

I suppose this has become a bit of a double edged sword in terms of the forum.

The forum has evolved away from just being an internet forum. It's become much more than the sum of it's parts.

Retrobiking or more accurately, the act of collecting, restoring and riding old bikes is still a very active and healthy.
Some choose to keep chasing unicorns, search for perfection and missing jigsaw pieces. All this can be great, but it can also be frustrating, exhausting and expensive.
I do think that it becomes more difficult the further down the rabbit hole you go.
It's little wonder that members drift in and out over time.

One thing is also fairly evident, especially if forum sales, ebay and, in particular, prices are a barometer, then the whole Retro scene has certainly become much more popular and almost mainstream.
The bargains which were at one time plentiful and frequent are much less common. Asking prices have mostly increased as more people either know what they have, know the value of what they have, or simply want to cash in on the popularity of the retro scene.

Anyway, I'm still very enthusiastic about most things relating to bikes. I'm also still collecting and restoring as well as trying to contribute to the site as much as possible. Time and money is the main limiting factor for me though...

As with most things though. Nostalgia is a terrible liar, and it'd be easy to get all sentimental about 'the good old days' back in 1988 or 1992 or 2008 or whenever.

Back in 2005 I guess the site acted as a catalyst for people to come together and share a collective nostalgia of old bikes. When I discovered the forum in 2008 it had already developed into a great and friendly community which had already accumulated and documented a vast amount of shared knowledge.
9 years later maybe the retro scene and Retrobike has reached a bit of a plateau. So much information is recorded throughout the site that maybe there are less questions still needing to be answered. It's all just an internet search away.

Similarly, many old bike reunions and restorations have been completed by so many, and mythical beasts and unicorns have been discovered.

The next question for many could be where next...

To (try) answer ed's original observations, There are two things that i have concerns about.

Firstly, money, it's always there, that particular thorn. Fuel jumps to 1.30+ per litre and most people shrug it off as "Ah well, what can you do" or "I need transport for xyz reason, so i'll just take the knock"

We cannot be ignorant through being alright for money, think of the future maaaaan! revolution to follow. Get car sharing too.

Secondly, face-ache may be a good communicator but it needs to play second fiddle to comms on here otherwise people that are drawn to the site for it's rustic down-to-earth 'let's get out and ride' may be bewildered by the social networks out there. People need sturdy content not links to this that and, the other.

Other misc factors are that postal costs have rocketed and become confusing. A bar 500mm and up is £5+ despite weighing 250g and the postie could more or less carry it up their sleeve. Items that i used to get posted for £1.30 is now £2.80.

So, that seems to have killed the sale threads that have a good little mish-mash, bb's, cassettes etc, like what me and charlieboy used to do. The post is ultimately picked up by the buyer but it has applied a cost to something that i would give away at a meet etc...

I mean, have you been in a post office and seen the perspex letter box size guide thingy!!! The top one!!! WHOOOOOO, has a letter box 6mm???? So, the packet is instantly in the large category.

Rides? Well, AEC'S and other kind members are, at the end of the day, volunteers! Work, family stuff, domestic duties will always be king.
There is an obvious drop off in rider numbers but i expect they have been talked in going to alton towers with the mother in law instead(that's just domestic prudence) :)

I'm sure things will pick up again, given time. Winter rides still seem popular. Folk just have to get their asses out and ride, it's US/we that make the rides happen, either as an organiser or attendee. If people don't attend then it basically collapses! ;)

At the end of the day, this site has that rare touch of having the ride section that forms a strong bond with the rest of the sites' sections.
I know clubs that don't have WWW. backing and, WWW. sites that do not have the ride thing going on. Just talk, trade and reappear here when things get boring there.

And yes, why ebay merchants think a DX mech is worth close to £30 in used condition just beggars belief. "sell it on retrobike, there all suckers and will buy anything"! I will stop there.

Foot note. retrobiking will always be popular so we need to keep the outlet(here) open and fresh. wordsmith smart arses put people off offering honest opinion though fear of being shot down in the chat.
I care not for 'subjective' value on parts so i'll call for more bargain ;)
Above all, lets ride! These bikes were never intended for the china cabinet or to drool at, other people are meant to do that whilst YOU are ring it!
I like others have been MIA for the last year or so.

And like others it's down to a handful of things:
Successfully completing a dream retro bike or two, and realizing that it won't bring back 1993.
Getting into drawn road biking (still in the honeymoon period at the moment!)
Riding more, tinkering less.
Family/job commitments.
Shortage of storage space.

However, I still have a look in now and then, and still love spotting retro mtbs in town. And if I happened to find an interesting looking project at a good price I'd be tempted! :LOL: