What is the maximum tooth sprocket you could fit on the back using a Deore DX rear derailleur?

Show us the pictures* and we, well benjabbi can tell you.
You have techs, I mean 'bike engineers' on tap.

Also you mech, is it brand new as I forget.
If not, these mechs or at least the M770 become floppy quite quickly and this destroys shifting. I spent ages once thinking I could get away with that and it just kept not being right.

Have fun and learn from everyone.

All the 9sp stuff is fine.

*this is now also a close rear view looking at the mech in big-small and small-big. There should be no real angling inwards of the cage,
I tried to get pictures earlier but my camera did not work with this new machine.

Not much to see different from the images manic posted earlier. Just a jockey wheel close to the cassette!

I know very little about the history of the bike so just have to guess with what is in front of me. I would guess not new.
I’m 80% convinced that this member is a sock puppet account for an established retrobiker who’s become bored/jaundiced with the scene and enjoys a good wind up! 😆
(And before you cry “smelt it dealt it” - I promise it’s not me!)
You're not on your own, has crossed my mind a few times
I'm running an old XTR mid cage Rapid Rise 9 speed derailleur with an 11-40t 8s cassette. I used a longer B screw. I had previously welded up a 2/3+2/3 slightly longer hanger out of 2 stock ones, but it broke in a parking lot incident. It worked also. But on a 26" urban bike I like to keep the derailleur up away from curbs as much as possible. This is not my pedal bike, but a 1500W mid drive Ebike conversion. So it's definitely been tested. The mid cage works due to the 1x8 Ebike setup. But I run the same 11-40t range with a much smaller chainring on my 1x11 pedal bike. Modern driveline on an older bike there.
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I'm running an old XTR mid cage Rapid Rise 9 speed derailleur with an 11-40t 8s cassette. I used a longer B screw. I had previously welded up a 2/3+2/3 slightly longer hanger out of 2 stock ones, but it broke in a parking lot incident. It worked also. But on a 26" urban bike I like to keep the derailleur up away from curbs as much as possible. This is not my pedal bike, but a 1500W mid drive Ebike conversion. So it's definitely been tested. The mid cage works due to the 1x8 Ebike setup. But I run the same 11-40t range with a much smaller chainring on my 1x11 pedal bike. Modern driveline on an older bike there.
Thanks for the info.

What is 2/3+2/3? You mean you welded 2 thirds of 2 hangers creating a super long hanger? Since you mention it, now I think about it, this would be a very easy thing to diy. Just get a little offcut of metal and drill a couple holes! Would have to have a spare hanger screw though to bolt to the frame.

On your 26 you are successfully running 40 with no hanger?
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2/3+2/3 is not as long as a hanger with an extender added. But using an Xacto hobby saw you can cut opposite ends off of 2 hangers and make a longer one. The DIY idea looks good except a lot of hangers are thinner in some places, which is a little harder to DIY.
But yes 40t with just a longer B screw.
Here it is in action (my video skills suck)
50tx11-40t 8 speed cassette with Rapid Rise XTR mid cage, RR Revoshifter, and zip tied cassette to activate the front freewheel in the motor.
2004 Gary Fisher Solstice comfort bike with lots of MTB rated upgrades + the motor.
There are reports of Shimano Zee M640 short cage derailleurs doing this also. You need the Freeride version, not the DH model.
The shift ratio ended up the same as SRAM 1:1 so 8/9 speed with SRAM shifters is on the menu also. This means 9 speed twist shifters can be used. Clutch type deraillleur with no plastic bits if you want to update an older bike. SRAM 11 speed gipshifter work with these and the SLX mid cage also.
I have the mid cage SLX on my XC bike with SRAM 11s gripshifter. I own the Zee but might ship it off to my brother in NYC for stress testing. Keeping the derailleur out of the spokes is more of an issue for him.