What frames do Spin wheels look at home on?

I went through a phase of loving and hating the spin wheels I had, ultimately I think I like them a lot and really regret selling them for a bargain price, especially as they were actually round and true, unlike the majority. They made it on to a few of my bikes, but I think they looked best on this, my sadly too small GT RTS-1


If someone could do me a favour and insert the image properly, I'm on a stupid apple product and as is the apple way, I can't do simple things like copy, paste, insert images etc. why oh why do apple products appeal?
User error there, I'm afraid. Somehow managed to do it from my "stupid" Apple over here ;)


  • RTS-1-Retro-small.jpg
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I really don't like plastic wheels, they do look at home on nasty looking plastic frames though!

al. :D
yo-Nate-y":l7qexldm said:
User error there, I'm afraid. Somehow managed to do it from my "stupid" Apple over here ;)
Which one? If it's a computer or laptop, then that's cheating. ;)
Very much at home when surrounded by more thermoplastic.


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    2011-12-10 17.33.21.jpg
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