What do you think of Shimano ditching rim brakes in 105 and higher?

I wouldn't define obsolescence by whether they no longer work, but by supply in the market
No. They still have market share. People are still using them. I have two rim brake bikes. I'd still buy a rim brake frame for road, new. But it would probably have to be custom now thanks to people like you.

Unlike, for example, the commodore 64 computer.
I can only hope and pray that for all the people that now smirk with glee at the planned obsolescence of rim brakes (for road), that they're forced to buy electronic derailleurs or some other invention that they don't personally like one day, or be forced to buy from ebay, then see how they like their onions done.

Anyway, half the time the market is set by newbies who don't know any different. It's what shops tell them to buy, because they sell them new stuff with the whole "features/benefits" spiel by shopkeepers etc. Loads of older wiser folk (here and on weightweenies for example) are done with discs for road and electronic shifting. I know I am.

I just go to ebay these days. Traditional brick and mortar bike shops don't sell what I like anymore. So they've lost me as a customer. One that has spent probably $100k on this hobby over the years. Goodbye!👋
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