What do you do when you are happy with what you own...?

There's a website called eBay, go into the 'cycles' section and type in the word 'frame'. Works every time.
Just bagged an M2 frame for £39 and man am I looking forward to building it up later today...
Sell them all buy a modern bike.

Then ...

Sell the modern bike as it is a load of crap and buy back all your old bikes for less than you sold them for.
You are not happy with what you own, you just think you are.

Do you want to take the red or blue pill? PM me once you decide.......
Au contraire, I feel LGF is very happy with the weard and wonderful collection he has acumulated. The question is, what are we going to do now?
Go modern and have piece of mind that your antiques are all cozy warm in the mancave for the winter.

and a big +1 on brakes that work :LOL:
Modern? 'Modern'? (rolls phrase around tongue, spits it into antique silver bowl)

Been to that country and didnt like the food.

Brakes that work

Modern-ish geometry

serviceable drivetrain

I present:
