We called that green stuff 'space grease' at a shop I worked at, you can buy it in tubs but a guy who was once high up in Shimano Canada told me it's not the same formula as what comes inside the hubs!
I like the stuff that comes on the better (xt/xtr) chains - smells kind of like sweat - can't really explain why I like it - nostalgia for the days when buying an XT chain seemed like an extravagance I guess?
I learned today that I may be a closeted thread derailer.
that if your other half is a driving instructor, with a full day of lessons booked, in the worst winter in history ever II, you shouldn't try building your new bike in the hall busted!
That a Christmas tree which fitted through the door no problem at all 3 weeks ago when it was all tied up with twine, will shed approx. 95% of its needles if you try and take it through the same door after having it sat next to a radiator for all of Christmas. :x