What classifies a mtb to be retro ?


Finds pin on floor, rapidly hunts for grenade, thinks 'sod it' and runs for cover...
this is becoming a problem subject! :LOL: :LOL:

LGF can you explain it in the same way as you did with the 'new', 'old', mbr, mbuk etc etc etc?

it will be quicker :D
Hello and welcome Mudokon

This has been discussed lots of times before over the years. Have a look back through the forum for several threads which will cover the various definitions of 'retro'.
Can't we make one of the threads a sticky? Kind of like the what's it worth thread: "Post your questions about relative retro-ness here".
Simply put, it is anything pre 98 according to this site, rather than some bike that is in a style looking back as in most things retro.
Around 1979, there was the 'new, new' - it was 'new' based on some 'old' ideas quantified and turned into a business principle and most importantly, a sport.

Around 1986 - The 'new,new' carried on being new for a few years but then some thought the 'new,new' was 'old' and came up with their own version of 'new' making the then barely old 'new, new' old and, wait for it 'retro'.

Around 1994 - The 'new,new,new' rapidly replaced the 'old,new,new', went global and big business took over. Many small new 'new,new,new' companies appeared, many famous names from the now 'old,new,new'. They themselves became big brands and were absorbed into even bigger brands.

These bigger brands then pretty much swamped the sport from the late '90's onwards, dominating and forcing trends that didnt need to be there. Any new 'new,new,new,new' small companies had to follow the big global brands to survive. As before, the big global brands absorbed the ideas of these 'new,new,new,new,new', suppressed some and forced more unwanted trends upon the sport.

So in order for anything to survive, it has to follow the 'new,new,new,new,new,new' otherwise its seen as 'old' and immediately unfashionable (a bit like us) and laughed at in certain magazines.

Now, there has been a bit of a sea change since the this site was set up in 2005 - whilst there is a hardcore of people that still insist that 'new,new,new,new,new,new' is fantastic and anything else is just bunk, there are those that suddenly remembered that the 'old,new,new' (the 'retro' stuff) was actually perfectly ok and mostly up to the job of what was started back in 1979.

Unfortunately, 'retro' has inadvertently become fashionable and is in danger of becoming the new 'new,new,new,new,new,new' which is starting to make those in the business of selling 'new,new,new,new,new,new' nervous so they have started cashing in on the 'retro'. This dilutes the whole point of 'retro' ending up with very poor examples of 'old' but not 'retro' being touted as genuine 'retro'.

A few point and laugh but here exists one of the best sources of information as to what is retro with many of the founders adding to that source and often answering questions or confirming/ denying urban myths.

So, spend a few hours searching the site, forget the marketing man's 'new,new,new,new,new,new' and have a bit of fun with the 'old'.

Good luck!

It takes a little while for it to settle in, but I'm sure you get there in the end.