What can kill the looks of a bike for you?

personally its long arm rear mechs,look all flappy ,that and risers with bar ends badly set up seats,stems etc
badly adjusted saddle is my biggest turn off. you can ride a pile of poo but at least be comfy
*Bikes re-stickered as 'dmr' or 'azonic' in an attempt to look 'cool'
*Along with barends sticking up in the air - don't forget brake levers tilted way up there too - wrist-breakers!
*sorry extreme riders but huge silver MRP chain devices ruin the lines of any downhill, freeride, dirt jump bike in my view
*backwards fitted seatposts
*huge novelty valvecaps
Where to start :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

I hear ,seat to far forward on its rails*,saddle pitched forward a bit*

I cant agree that upsets the look,nobodys exactly the same shape :? and everyone has a riding position that they find most comfortable,
It seems unlikely that if you bought the perfect fit of frame that you wouldnt 'personalize' it in some way
Otherwise, what do you have, if not a bike ,fit only for a glass case

barends on a riser :twisted: or discs on a non disc frame using that ugly brace thingy that goes onto the brake boss :roll:
And i prefer skinny saddles,the ones that were about in the 80's look fat and ugly :p
Bikes with so much anodised bling on that it distracts you from what the bike actually is.

IE all that rasta shite looks hideous...Sorry :eek:
Long headtubes look a bit grim and not keen on sloping top tubes that join the seat tube below the seatstays, just looks weird to me

Also cables strapped on with zip ties, tape or even worse jubilee clips,yuk
Forward sloping top tubes & stems with lot's of rise. The two combined make me feel ill :(

We need to see some pics of bike appearance crime, to put things in perspective :)