What are your retro bike plans for 2024.

...still experimenting with different drivetrain options for 2H2024:
been riding a 2x7 hybrid on and off road recently - 14 speeds mean a few more options than 1x8 and 1x9 that I currently favour ( simplicity and lightweight, less cable clutter and clean looks) but an obvious weight penalty and ugly cable runs...
...next project is going to be 2x8 drivetrain WITHOUT front mech - logic being I hardly ever use the granny gears except when encountering a severe offroad gradient - so I may as well just use 1X 8 for the majority of the time and then manually flip the chain onto the smaller chainring if and when I need it.
next build will feature this setup and I will find out whether its feasible/practical/chain tension and angle is all wrong etc....

38T and 26T 104BCD narrow wide. will be used with 'modern' clutch enabled rear mech.
I have 3 or four project build for later in 2024 when the weather is a bit warmer, in the meantime, I aim to ride more and save for a bigger shed! :)
Have completed 2 out of the four projects I had planned at the start of the year, but surprised myself by realising I have completed 11 builds/ restorations so far this year (not all for me!) Some how I still have 3 frames awaiting restoration and build.

No wonder I am still saving for that new shed...need it more than ever...perhaps I should stop buying bikes :LOL: :rolleyes:
Just continue refurbishing older, neglected middle-off-the-road steel bikes with an 'oempf'.
A few rules to myself to keep things (and relationship) under control:
Every other bike-project must have something new that I haven't done before, whether is a XT U-brake or a neglected Nexus 4 rear hub.
More recently I try focussing on early 700c crosshybrides.

Speaking of which; I haven't owned or worked on a Englisch branded bike yet, Orange, Dave Yates or anything other exotic that is rare on the mainland.
I you have something to offer, live alongside the M2 (Dover-London), please let me know.
My wife, kids and father-in-law are preparing a citytrip and she could pick things up (she doesn't know yet herself 😉)

Have a good weekend.
Seeing as i started this thread on 1st jan to try and help with motivation, i thought i better update it myself...

So my goals were...

1. Finish my 92 team marin, the daily driver I've always wanted...see marin build thread.
Almost..been riding it, now just awaiting the custom stem to come back from powder...and possibly find a better seatpost.
2. Do a bit more toothbrush touring....you know slum it in 4 star hotels and 1 star Michelin restaurants.
Hummmm..not so good. Done a few good full days rides, but failed to stay over.
3. Build version 2 of the "bike i should be riding". This is essentially my touring bike, ive learned a lot from the 1st, and now have a donor for the improved version 2.
That ones gone really well...turned into a seriously good bike, which ive been really enjoying....again, just awaiting the custom stem to come back.
4. Sell my 2 saracens (conquest and citybike)....and the last of my frames and kit.....I'm aiming for 2 retro bikes an 3 others (2 kinda retro by accident anyway) by the end of the year. The sell off has gone pretty well over the last 5 years!
Well, i sold the saracen conquest in bits and have properly finished the other to see if it grows on me any more...tbh jury is still out, but its got some use. Fair bit more kit has gone and I've now got no extra frames or forks and just a few spares and parts all boxed up, labelled etc.

As its only just the end of August, hopefully I can resolve the rest in the remaining 4 months!

How you all doing?
Late to this thread but my tuppenseworth:

1. Counted the bike in my garage in May...36! Decided to have max 24 by end of summer...Today!
Number of bikes in garage today, 35!!!!!
OK it not as bad as it seems.
Bikes already sold to be picked up next week. 4. Bikes remaining 31.
Old Marin Muirwoods to be donated to good cause...already spoken for. Bikes remain 30.
Felt road bike sold to stepson as Xmas present for his dad but still in garage. Bikes remaining 29.
Wife's friend's Kona Zing left in garage. Bike remaining 28
Daughter returning home unexpectedly to stay requiring city bike (bright yellow Bobbin Birdie) Bikes remaining 27
Son's CAAD 8 hanging up after his return to USA to play golf for a year. Bikes remaining 26.
Wife's Cannondale Synapse. Bike remaining 24
So close...
Bikes remaining are: 2 GT Zaskars, M2 and M4 Stumpies, 1990 Rockhopper, 2 Kona Cindercones, Kona Fire Mountain, 2 Rotrax tourers, Tsunoda 80s road bike, 2 Raleigh Dynatechs, Ribble 653 road bike, Carlton Cobra full chrome, Kona Jake the Snake, Team Marin, Marin Bear Valley, Charge fixie, 2007 Specialzed Tarmac with full Dura ace, Cube Attain road bike, Cube Ltd mountain bike, 80s 531 Falcon ladies tourer and a Whyte something or other.

I think I will sell one of the Zaskars, one Stumpie, a couple of Konas, one Rotrax, both Raleighs, the Bear Valley, the Ribble, Jake the Snake, the Tarmac and the Falcon. Definitely...maybe.
Hoping to finish the build on my '92 GT Bravado by the end of the year.
Parts still to find;
27.0mm Seatpost - GT or equivalent quality - minimum 350mm length
Seat clamp - GT or Hope 28.6
Bottom bracket - Shimano XT or equivalent
Chain set - Shimano Deore XT or DX
Chain - 7 speed Shimano or best equivalent
Cables - Blue Jagwire outer cables
Brake levers - Shimano XT

Working on a tight budget until I sell a couple of my other GT's :rolleyes:
I only intend to keep two of my bikes, which are my '92 GT Pantera AL and '92 GT Bravado.
Seeing as i started this thread on 1st jan to try and help with motivation, i thought i better update it myself...

So my goals were...

Almost..been riding it, now just awaiting the custom stem to come back from powder...and possibly find a better seatpost.

Hummmm..not so good. Done a few good full days rides, but failed to stay over.

That ones gone really well...turned into a seriously good bike, which ive been really enjoying....again, just awaiting the custom stem to come back.

Well, i sold the saracen conquest in bits and have properly finished the other to see if it grows on me any more...tbh jury is still out, but its got some use. Fair bit more kit has gone and I've now got no extra frames or forks and just a few spares and parts all boxed up, labelled etc.

As its only just the end of August, hopefully I can resolve the rest in the remaining 4 months!

How you all doing?
Not if we count in bike model years, you're too late.
We've now starting the switch to the new model year (so we're now that it is almost Sept 1991 we're seeing the new 1992 Shimano XTR being release to the shops, RapidFire+ with it new improved finger trigger shift addition, not just for thumbs now, 8speeds and ramped/pin shifter at the front has started (only ramped on the top ring, we have to wait patiently for middle ring ramps to be 'invented')
Suntour also has just thrown it's hat (Giro? ) into the ring for a final hoohar with MicroDrive
So it's time to upgrade all your bikes and plan for the next real year!