West Coast ride, March 9th now October 12th


I might be able to make it however need to check the kids diary.
And I woud need to do some fettling on the only mountain bike that I own. It's not been out since the brake failure at GT and it needs a headset.

the stars may align for me on this if the time/date is right- when are you thinking and assume it is weekend and daylight?

did this tiny ride whilst waiting for son #2 tonight only had a 1 1/2 but there looked like there were some interesting trails in the lennox woods for the mt bike and I want to go back for the road over to fintry on an extended road ride- lovely night and seem to be getting some of my old hill climbing legs back as kind of enjoyed the slog up to the top. Defo one for me to go back to.


Can't see your route Gary. Only your friends on MMR can see it :(

The date is in the header Gaz , 12th October

Probably 10- 10:30ish G, but I'm sure we can accommodate all :)

I could see it far enough. Need to be in Engerland on Sunday night so I'm snookered for Sunday day. Could do the Saturday, but will have to cry off if not. :(