Wear a helmet or not?

legrandefromage":a0f1nr3f said:
A 20 mile bimble out into the sticks around St. Ives and Huntingdon.

45 cyclists with 11 wearing helmets. The rest were young/ old/ middle aged/ road bikes/ mtb/ bmx.

Yep! I get the picture alright although that's quite alot of cyclists wearing helmets compared to my neck of the woods where you shout whip! if you see a cyclist wearing a helmet regardless of age or gender and ontop of that at least 90% of them seem to think the pavement is their god given right but that's another topic :facepalm: ..
A helmet is little protection against a lorry but that’s not really relevant because no one has claimed that it is.

Just because you didn’t crash and whack your head today doesn’t mean you won’t crash and whack your head tomorrow.

Bernard Hinault wasn’t wearing a helmet in that picture from ’86 because it was 1986 not because he was cooler/tougher! Interestingly, there also a famous picture from '85 of a helmetless Hinault with blood streaming down his face after a crash.

I never wore a helmet or thought of wearing a one (except for BMX racing) for 20 years without major incident. However, for the past 5 years or so I probably ride in one about 90% of the time. I’ve had one embarrassingly stupid crash (back wheel locked in ridge between manhole covers) where I went over sideways skinned my knuckles (through mitts) and bashed my helmeted head on the curb – I'm not claiming the helmet saved my life but the bump didn’t hurt and I was very glad of it.

Wearing a helmet isn’t a moral choice. It’s not soft to wear a helmet or stupid not to wear one. I just think for me it’s not such a bit deal to put the thing on or uncomfortable to wear (it’s actually quite useful in the pissing rain) - that way should I even need it it’s there.
It's certainly useful to attach lights and go pros to.

About the only anti helmet argument I'd consider as valid is if someone has a study showing that an impact with a go pro mounted on one us bad news (camera force through and into head) although that's really an anti go pro argument not anti helmet.
MarkS":1tq2gx5k said:
Hi everyone, genuine question, but don't want to open a can of worms up.

I am returning to cycling after a gap of 35 tears. Wearing a helmet back then, was something only track cyclists did. Jump forward to nowadays, and are the necessary?

As I'm disabled, I won't be racing, will probably only ride on off road tracks and cycle paths. So do I need one? Do I spend £5 on one from the Far East via eBay, or if safety is paramount, do I buy a decent one, or a decent make second hand?

Hi MarkS

I think that if you are going to feel more confident/happier in a helmet then you should wear one. Do not let others decide for you as at the end of the day it is your head, no one else's. As for spending money on one you need to research the benefits of each helmet. I have been a climbing instructor for 20yrs and also worked in rope access and have to know and check saftey equipment. One thing that suprisingly applys to both climbing and cycling helmets is they are not designed for side impacts. I know that is starting to change through design but it is something to consider and look for if buying a helmet. And despite what some people will tell you wearing helmets and other protective equipment can cause more harm than good in some cases. Neck braces were banned in moto cross by the ama for just that reason. And some motorcycle riders wear loose helmets so when they crash the helmet comes off and cant act as leverage causing more damage. As i said, the choice should be yours and yours alone. If you are serious about wearing a helmet to protect then you should research it and find out if it is suitable for your needs.

Only just joined this site and quite a close to home thread for me. 6/7 years ago I come off my bmx and had to have reconstruction surgery done leaving me I think 3 large scale scars on my face. 1 year later still no helmet I knocked myself out loosing memory and although not tested for it now I feel I have short term memory loss. It's horrible..

Only answer to the question is how much to our respect your own life, serious damage can be done from such low speeds it's not worth it. Would you want your family members to go through it aswell?


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It amazes me the almost miraculous life saving properties that cycle helmets have been gifted thanks to the power of advertising and anecdotes.

They'll protect you from an accident that might have given you a headache, or a mild concussion, or a couple of stitches.

No more than that. Or physics takes over.