Wear a helmet or not?

You are entirely missing the point again - its that '25 year old' study that current advise is taken from - thats the scary part for me.

To use a car analogy, it would be the same as the Highway Code stopping distances being based on 1970's vehicles - which it is!
kingbling":34yab6zw said:
^^^^ LMFAO LGF you do dig up some crap

Did you actually bother to read anything?

I cant rely on a piece of polystyrene and I'm sorry if that offends you, again the Brexit thing springs to mind.

Heres another load of old crap that you can chose to ignore

Helmets for cycling are one thing where Trading Standards Officers have been keen to root out any dubious products, even though there is no law specifically prohibiting the sale of helmets that don't conform to any standard. So you can be sure that any cycling helmet in the shops will at least claim to meet a reputable standard, probably BSEN1078. The "EN" bit signifies a European standard (or "Norm") adopted by BS. But if you can find any helmets with a Snell Foundation B90 (or higher) sticker in them, that's a substantially stronger standard.

And the bit I was trying to find sometime ago in a galaxy far far away

Cycle helmets are only designed and tested to withstand an impact equivalent to an average weight rider travelling at a speed of 12 mph falling onto a stationary kerb shaped object from a height of 1 metre.

http://www.whycycle.co.uk/cycling-advic ... g-helmets/

And summing up everything far better than my nurse recommended:

The safety benefits offered by wearing a helmet do exist, but these benefits should be neither over-estimated nor under-estimated. Surely anything which can offer an extra amount of safety is worthwhile as long as it does not leave you with a false sense of security.
Yes I did read it and no it doesn't offend me if you choose not to use a helmet just take care.
I have seen the benefit first hand of wearing a helmet, the pro's out weigh the con's and as technology has advanced in the last 25 years the design of helmets has improved and yes the closing statement says it all

The safety benefits offered by wearing a helmet do exist, but these benefits should be neither over-estimated nor under-estimated. Surely anything which can offer an extra amount of safety is worthwhile as long as it does not leave you with a false sense of security.

I'm of an opinion that my helmet will not let me take on a bus head on but it may just save me if I hit a stray dog or pedestrian that happens to step unexpectedly into my path.
Now I'm off to ride my bike with my helmet and gloves on
you can't be too careful

As I type:


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Heard a story from a bike shop employee 20 yrs ago. A young lady sadly got into a head on outside the shop wearing her helmet and was lying on the side of the road in a bad way. Unfortunately a concerned member of Joe public took her helmet off with instant fatal consequences. The ambulance crewmen said after, you should NEVER do that, until the patient has been properly assessed by medical Profs.

Just thought I'd mention it.
Wearing an helmet on the road ?
I prefer wearing only my Oakley Over The Top...




Definitely wear a helmet. Affordable, light, comfortable. As Mike said I'm surprised this thread has even justified a conversation.

I have no previous horror stories. Guess I must be

1. Lucky
2. A pussy
3. Blessed with super natural bike skills
4. Someone who never rides on busy roads
5. Batman
6. All of the above