Wear a helmet or not?

I rode bikes through the 60's 70's and 80's covering literally thousands of miles.There was never any discussion of wearing a helmet and I don't even remember seeing a cyclist wearing one I doubt they even existed I never saw one in a bike shop?

Modern Britain is timid and fearful,the computer generations especially so, I think this is where the notion of wearing a bicycle helmet these days emanates from.

Anyway,For the dubious amount of protection they may offer I will ignore the scare mongering!
Well if you feel that way inclined and your happy about it then fair enough as i rode a bike for 7 years without ever wearing one and l only chose to wear one after an accident put the wind up me even though it probably won't save my life i just feel more confident wearing one ..
The unprotected feeling of not wearing an helmet push me to keep concentration when riding on the road and in cities..
legrandefromage":27apishu said:
Pionir":27apishu said:
I don't think anyone thinks they're invulnerable in a crash helmet (if they do then they're fools) but if there's just a 0.01% chance it could make the difference between living and dying, I'll take it.

Think of it like child seats in cars. I grew up (probably like most on here) without even a seat belt in the back seat, but how many here would do the same for their kids/grandkids. I know I wouldn't.

Not even close - speed with mass turns people into projectiles, irrelevant to cycling. Nobody wears helmets whilst driving to work* despite a rock hard wall of glass inches from the heads.

* Motorsport doesnt count - they are driving at work :p

A car is a big helmet, airbags, impact side whatsits, seatbelts, and other thingies to keep you away from the sides and the car is the big foam box around you.
Markone":1d7473az said:
I rode bikes through the 60's 70's and 80's covering literally thousands of miles.There was never any discussion of wearing a helmet and I don't even remember seeing a cyclist wearing one I doubt they even existed I never saw one in a bike shop?

Modern Britain is timid and fearful,the computer generations especially so, I think this is where the notion of wearing a bicycle helmet these days emanates from.

Anyway,For the dubious amount of protection they may offer I will ignore the scare mongering!

That's what many of our grandparents said about seat belts, and our parents about child car seats, and we all managed to get through childhood without them, so are seat belts and child car seats just scare mongering or a good idea, it's all statistics really, bit like insurance. Personally I wear a seat belt and put my daughter in a car seat, its not my driving its the other idiots on the road.
daugs":1wr8w2ih said:
Markone":1wr8w2ih said:
I rode bikes through the 60's 70's and 80's covering literally thousands of miles.There was never any discussion of wearing a helmet and I don't even remember seeing a cyclist wearing one I doubt they even existed I never saw one in a bike shop?

Modern Britain is timid and fearful,the computer generations especially so, I think this is where the notion of wearing a bicycle helmet these days emanates from.

Anyway,For the dubious amount of protection they may offer I will ignore the scare mongering!

That's what many of our grandparents said about seat belts, and our parents about child car seats, and we all managed to get through childhood without them, so are seat belts and child car seats just scare mongering or a good idea, it's all statistics really, bit like insurance. Personally I wear a seat belt and put my daughter in a car seat, its not my driving its the other idiots on the road.

I think seat belts in a car are not a realistic comparison to a flimsy, exceedingly cheaply made bit of pressed polystyrene that is a bicycle helmet.

A better comparison may be seat belts in an aeroplane! :)

ie useless!

Gloves/mitts.. always. Helmet.. never.
I think this choice, (while it remains a choice) comes down to whether or not you've ever impacted your skull in a bike crash, or know anyone who has. In five decades of cycling I've been over the bars a few times, and off the side, and had several near misses- who hasn't?- but I've yet to hit my brainbox against anything, or witness anyone else doing so.. touch wood..
legrandefromage":9hglv9fj said:
Something missing here


And here


I know what's missing, a s**t load of cotton wool round them :LOL: :LOL:

This is a good article for anyone wanting to take the time to read it:

A 20 mile bimble out into the sticks around St. Ives and Huntingdon.

45 cyclists with 11 wearing helmets. The rest were young/ old/ middle aged/ road bikes/ mtb/ bmx.