We have learned about people's least favorite brands, but what are your favorite brands and why?

I'm not loyal enough to any bike brand that I wouldn't consider another. I have nostalgia for some brands of bikes I've owned in the past - but it wouldn't make me instantly choose them. Not least because their fortunes can change. Take Saracen, for example. My Sahara was a very capable first bike then they went to complete crap for a time. It's like reading reviews of washing machines, my blah blah model lasted ten years. Yep, fantastic but says nothing about today's models from the same brand.

I've never owned a Specialized, but every one I've ridden has a solid bike for its era. I do think some mail order brands offer excellent value for money, but I wouldn't go further than that.

Non-bike wise, the only one I can think of is Apple. But that's a convenience thing. I grew way tired of becoming a part-time computer administrator that running windows or linux seems to require. No-one is going to lie on their death bed and say I wish I'd spent more time selecting an anti-virus program or running windows update.
Non-bike wise, the only one I can think of is Apple. But that's a convenience thing. I grew way tired of becoming a part-time computer administrator that running windows or linux seems to require. No-one is going to lie on their death bed and say I wish I'd spent more time selecting an anti-virus program or running windows update.
Agree 100% I've used MS since what feels like the beginning of time. And its F**King S**T how it's so popular I'll never know. I'll be free of them in two an half yrs. Retirement and free of sitting in front of a screen.
My fav non cycle products are my SMEG kitchen appliances and Dulight toaster.