Watch suggestions


Gold Trader
GT Fan
I’m not a huge watch fanatic but I do like a nice watch.
Not really on an watch forums apart from 1 which wouldn’t give me the answers I seek.

Looking for a watch to wear as a everyday watch and on holiday etc. Not anything too well known brand wise in terms of it being flash.

I like watches around 39-40mm and stainless. Ability to look good on a leather strap is a bonus.

My initial thought is a Tudor black bay 58. I had a black bay a couple of years ago but at 41mm and the thickness it was too much. The BB58 is much thinner and a better size for me. My main issue is that it’s very similar to what I’ve owned before and also the same style as other watches I own (diver).

Any ideas

I could be open to non diver types too. Wanting one that is nice with a suit , or shirt for work. But also nice for holidays and the such. Divers are my favourite but I need to open my views to others.

Also wanting one that won’t tank in value or may even increase too.
CWC watches....

Bought one 6 years ago, toughest watch I've ever had and I still wear it as my everyday watch now. (replaced 2 of the straps though, but they are cheap enough)

The do a range of military issued, all at MOD spec

I’m not keen on the diver style ones but some of the military ones are nice. They look tough but maybe not ideal for wearing with a shirt? Ideal for holidays though.

Just looked online at a sinn and Oris. Some nice ones but still think Tudor are my fave so far.

If they did a GMT Tudor in the smaller case I’d be all over it. In red /blue.
Re: Re:

d8mok":375h43gs said:
I’m not keen on the diver style ones but some of the military ones are nice. They look tough but maybe not ideal for wearing with a shirt? Ideal for holidays though.

Just looked online at a sinn and Oris. Some nice ones but still think Tudor are my fave so far.

If they did a GMT Tudor in the smaller case I’d be all over it. In red /blue.

Yeah, I stopped trying to have one watch for everything a few years back, I just kept breaking them.

So now I've got a simple Boss inexpensive dress watch for weddings, funerals, functions etc ( that’s about 10 events a year on average) And then one of the higher end CWC which pretty much lives on me…

I’ve got a couple more which up until now are in daily use. But wanting to keep these for more special occasions and for wear outside if work. Also going on holiday I’ve been leaving them in safe rather than risk them going missing whilst away.

It’s comments like that which will make me buy one.

Do you own one? I’ve read lots of reviews and it sounds ideal

I have the GMT which I love and is a daily wearer.
Stupidly I went to the AD last week and they had a BB58 in the window. I tried it has been plaguing me ever since.
I need another watch like I Need another bike.