Wanted: INDEPENDENT FABRICATION Deluxe vintage frame - 1990s


Devout Dirtbag
I am looking for a Vintage 1995 to 1998 Independent Fabrication Deluxe steel mountain bike frame. I will consider any early years but earlier is better and desired. 15.5 inches center to center on the seat tube or 17 inches center to the top of the seat tube. But I will take a medium sized IF. I am just under 5 feet 7 inches and tend to fit a small sized vintage frame. I live the the United States to help with shipping consideration.

I am open to any and all paint and color options, frame condition, and no forks or components. Contact me here or directly at [email protected] if you have one you want to sell or please put me in contact with someone who does. Thanks.

Please sell me your Vintage INDY FAB!! :D

You probably already know this but IF was a spin off from FAT CHANCE bitd and IF copied many of the frame specs from them. You may find it easier to find your size and spec with a used FAT as there seem to be more about.

Good luck hunting :)

Hey MP, Thanks for the support. I am aware of the Lineage of the Indy Fabs for Fact Chance. And of course they are easier to find. Especially in my size. I am actually looking at a couple right now. I sure this will make sense to you as a retro fan. For whatever reason I am magnetized and have an infinity for the Indy Fabs. They just speak to me. I do not have that "connection" to the Fat Chance brand. There is no way to deny the Yo Eddy and I would certainly take a pre 1995 Yo with fork at anytime in my size. However, my heart is set on a early vintage Indy Fab. The hunt continues.
Hiya, not sure if it was the right vintage, but a cool looking fairly early indy fab singlespeed appeared on here awhile back (from memory only wheels had sold)...might be worth a search? Goodluck with search!
Thanks tangent!! I did find that on some deep search and left a message for the person selling it. I have not heard back. Since I am pretty new to the group I am not able to message (PM) people. I will try again and see if I get a response. Thanks for the tip!!
Your welcome, hope you find something suitable...I still ride a Indy Fab Deluxe (singlespeed) so tend to spot them when they show up for sale!
Hey Tangent, thanks again. I am open to any early IndyFab Year frames in a small or medium. Earlier is better but beggars cannot be choosers. If you see any out in the wild for sale please let me know if you can.
That is the one with the flame paintjob. Seller decided to keep it.

Good luck finding one. I was lucky enough to find myself a ti IF.