

Senior Retro Guru
some time ago I was warned off Vitus frames with the 'glued' lugs as I was told they disintegrated, urban myth? I see some pretty bikes from this era/ construction but always been reluctant to try one for the reasons above...

any wise words?
My Peugeot PX10-DU has a Vitus 979 frame and it's in great condition after 25+ years, no idea how much it's been used in that time but judging by a few scrapes here and there it has been used.
My Duralinox 979 is 1986 stamped and is still OK. At least, I hope it is as I ride it often in summer and ride some TT's on it too. I know the previous owner and he isn't the kind of guy to trash a frame so it was looked after quite well. However, a rough forceful rider with an aggressive style might have the opposite effect. We all know Sean Kelly rode them a lot but I reckon he had new ones very often as he was a hard riding kind of bloke.

Understatement of the year (so far ;) )
From what I understand if you're a smaller rider with a smoother style you have less chance of the tubes coming unglued. It's the big blokes on the big frames with a brutal pedalling style who have reported problems. I think this is a bit of an urban myth, like you say.

I had one briefly but sold it as it was the wrong size :cry: . Beautiful frame though. This site is missing a KAS Sean Kelly replica - be the first!
time for vitus

I am of the bulkier side of road riders and have owned a vitus for many years.
He (Vince) has rolled many miles with 3-5 day rides to Holland and France from London, yes the flex takes a bit to get used to but if you find a good one i.e. tight around the lugs then buy it and enjoy it

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