Vintage childs road bike puzzle

Interesting, Raleigh Arena rings a bell. i think it would have been in Littlewoods catalog 77 or 78 autumn / winter

This page from the 1978 Littlewoods Catalogue confirms that BSA did indeed produce a junior bike named "Bullet". Different colour to yours so, perhaps it was different colours depending on the year?....


  • BSA Bullet_1.jpg
    BSA Bullet_1.jpg
    151.7 KB · Views: 439
OMG a BSA Bullet!!!! i knew i wasn't imagining it. Thanks :))
Now i just have to find one to start my project.
happy happy
Re: Re:

Ralph_the_Rohan":1skqt56n said:
This page from the 1978 Littlewoods Catalogue confirms that BSA did indeed produce a junior bike named "Bullet". Different colour to yours so, perhaps it was different colours depending on the year?....

OMG, have you got all the catalogues, ever..... :shock:
Great news you found your bike :). Catalogue bikes were a law unto themselves with names and build spec..

Dude I think I just found your bicycle in my hedge, needs a bit of work 07859 003621
Child's frame too!