Vindec Club 50 age and tubing

It might help if you could take some close up detail pictures.
My Brown Brothers catalogues are probably 30 years too old.
If you can measure the diameter of the saddle pillar/ seat post, over 26.4 mm could mean drawn tubing. smaller probably seam welded. If you take out the saddle pillar you might be able to see far enough down the seat tube to distinguish a seam.
Vindec was Brown Brothers own label, and as trade wholesalers (not manufacturers) were a source of supply to many shops. There are several of their complete catalogues (250 pages) on line, but not later than 1952.
Thanks keithglos

There is a seam all the way down the rear of the seat tube.

The seat pillar measures 2.6cm.

So I assume it's not 531 then?

I'll weigh it when cranks are off.

531 is drawn tubing, quite expensive to make, you appear to have the sort of seam electric welded steel tube that was used in most bikes. To over simplify, I used to explain that 531 is about half the weight and twice the strength. Also needs careful heating when brazed.
There is a brown brothers website IIRC which covers all this :)

I worked in a bike shop in the 70's and we used to get the odd bits and pieces from Brown brothers as a "factors", they had a lot of stock but were more expensive to buy from than the OEM manufacturers ...

Brown Brothers - Vincent and Derek - Vindec??

I don't remember their bikes being anything special, generally run of the mill 'sports' bikes.
Midlife":3mfe8z7w said:
There is a brown brothers website IIRC which covers all this :)

I worked in a bike shop in the 70's and we used to get the odd bits and pieces from Brown brothers as a "factors", they had a lot of stock but were more expensive to buy from than the OEM manufacturers ...


Link to website or key words for google please Shaun?

"OEM" = other economy manufacturers? Please enlighten me.
Vindec bike owners forum....

OEM = Originanal Equipment Manufacturer.

For example it was a lot cheaper to buy tyres direct from Mitchellin than from a "Factor" like Brown Brothers. However Brown Brothers were often quicker to deliver, carried odd stock sizes and if you had a good accountant you could delay payment.......

Vindec bike owners forum....

OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer.

For example it was a lot cheaper to buy tyres direct from Mitchellin than from a "Factor" like Brown Brothers. However Brown Brothers were often quicker to deliver, carried odd stock sizes and if you had a good accountant you could delay payment.......
