Very cool saracen

Never seen that before!

Didn't an independant guy design the linked suspension that became muddy fox "intereactive" (note the extra e) - perhaps Saracen were interested in buying the design and made a proto?!
Someone may have already pointed this out, but in principle this (and the muddy fox version) looks very similar to the Citroen 2CV suspension.
Don't know if that influence was suggested or acknowledged at the time - marketing-wise, it may not have been a great connection to make...
Lucky guy owning that!Just found it whilst randomley googling bikes to pass the time at work ;)
I've seen this image a few times before. It does look like a very interesting bike.
What baffles me though is why an apparently high quality frame has a crappy cheap pressed steel chainset and mismatched canti brakes.
It looks very much like a parts bin build and the decals don't quite seem right. The head tube decal used on the shock mount for example seems a bit of a odd thing to do.
I kinda suspect that someone had a decal kit knocking around and decided to get creative on an old frame.

Bit of a mystery really...
Looks a bit like a whyte up front. I liking that a lot though, but agree about the chain set. That surely deserves better.