V brake vs Cantilever vs U brake? 90s GT


Dirt Disciple
Hi there,

I'm building up a 1990 GT Team Avalanche - my first build - and wondering what brakes it can take? I'm struggling to understand if it can take all 3 of the V-brake / Cantilever / U-brake? From what I can see they all attach in the same way and function fairly similarly?

Of these, which gives the best braking power? Why would I not just choose the ones with the best braking power?
It depends on the bosses - will either be U brake (and only U brake), or canti (and in that case V brake too, unless you have an extra wide rim)

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I think you are stuck with U-brakes with that frame (brake bosses ABOVE the rim circumference). For canti- and V-brakes the brake bosses are BELOW the rim circumference.
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Hi there,

I'm building up a 1990 GT Team Avalanche - my first build - and wondering what brakes it can take? I'm struggling to understand if it can take all 3 of the V-brake / Cantilever / U-brake? From what I can see they all attach in the same way and function fairly similarly?

Of these, which gives the best braking power? Why would I not just choose the ones with the best braking power?
Awesome bike! You need to post some photos. I assume it's got the Blue Widow paint? (dark blue with lighter blue crackle/drizzle paint).

If so it'll be U brake only due to high position of the brake bosses, plus they are completely different to cantilever/V bosses. You can get a converter plate to run cantilevers/V's (a bit like a brake booster), but it looks a bit Heath Robinson.

U brakes are super cool (IMHO!) but can clog in mud quite easily.
Yep, that's 100% 1990 Team Avalanche! 😍 I'd personally stick with the stock U brake set-up, but you need a long straddle cable that "X's" around the seat tube thanks to GT's triple triangle design. I know @Retro_Roy mentioned a roller cam, but not sure they'd work on the back of a GT due the routing around the seat tube as the cam needs to be pulled from the centre line of brake set-up and the seat tube is bang in the way. I'm sure there are other American exotica U-brake style alternatives that might work.
Here's that one after I spruced it up a bit... DSCF8817.jpeg

The 1990 Team Avalanche had exactly the same set up... I also have one of those ;-) (Just noticed the ferrule has come off the cable end! :LOL:)


Period u-brakes in good condition are a little hard to come by in my experience, the booster plates tended to get spot rusting and the u-brake arms fade... plus the little plastic bits break. I have bought a few for parts and combined them to make nice(r) ones. Hope this helps... I look forward to seeing your Team Avalanche, well done for saving another one!!