Turn the frown upside down! Retro goldmine!

Its cool that Millennial's are showing interest and in many cases buying bikes/parts from the Gen X era. Most seem to want NOS or mint stuff.
Amen brother! Gave a 300 quid 1.6 2000 astra to a mate whos 21 this march ......first quote


He got it down to just under 3k....

Stupid thing is his motorbike is £180 for a 600cc! Worlds gone mad.

He's written it off last month and bought a1997 1.4 rover instead!🤣

So again...another thing to be glad about! My insurer is practically paying me now to take a policy! There are some advantages to being personally retro!😆
I used to buy a bike for 1 or 2 nice parts to keep and sell the rest. The selling of the mid level stuff effectively used to pay for the bits to keep (or close). Now what happens is you get stuck with all the cheap stuff as the prices have dropped so much you may as well stick it in a drawer rather than use your time to post it.

I've got a fair amount of the cheap stuff that just isn't worth listing, basically anything below Shimano XT level of any era is a hard sell. I've got more used tyres than I have rims to put them. And pedals, I've got loads of pedals.

Thought I was largely 'out' of the retro bike game earlier this year having built all the ones I wanted, but I've been drawn in by a few recent opportunities, and still look regularly.

I've currently got one money pit bike that I'm determined to get trail worthy again just so it avoids the tip. Will definitely be sold at a loss once complete! :LOL:
This is far more a sales platform than a build site these days. Comments are drying up due to the ‘like’ button. Previously members would join the conversation and be part of the thread.

Lots of new members don’t respect the old standards of etiquette and decency.

There always was some of that but it seems we have pockets that think if you warn or are making a joke it means carte blanche.

Just my view that I’m entitled to. And I’m being polite.

Edit: 21 of 35 threads on page one are sales or links to sales at present. There are 3 build threads.
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This is far more a sales platform than a build site these days. Comments are drying up due to the ‘like’ button. Previously members would join the conversation and be part of the thread.

Lots of new members don’t respect the old standards of etiquette and decency.

There always was some of that but it seems we have pockets that think if you warn or are making a joke it means carte blanche.

Just my view that I’m entitled to. And I’m being polite.

Edit: 21 of 35 threads on page one are sales or links to sales at present. There are 3 build threads.
Sorry I just liked your post, but also felt compelled to reply!
There seems to be much doom and gloom as to the state of the retro bike market, prices, who, where, where and why to sell!

However, I think we are seriously at risk of a damaging our own hobby and our own enjoyment if we are not careful.

Money aside, I'm concerned interest and enjoyment will be lost, together with the sense of community generated by sites such as this. I know there are several out there for whom this site is quite a lifeline.

Plus..and more my point, surely this is the ideal time to snap up a bargain and get some of the cheapest fun to be had...(with your clothes on).

Just today on evilbay i found several little bikes, that need a good home, would put a big smile on your face and were all cheap as chips!

Is that not something to be happy about?

Have a great day guys and girls.
I suppose there's a lot of people who see old knackered bikes as an investment. I always bought expecting to have useable, long lasting bikes. Resale value means nothing to me. I buy to use and if it can't be used it goes. I only try to keep up with the price changes to know when I'm getting royally shafted on prices

All I care about is the community. I like being able to connect over something.
Sorry I just liked your post, but also felt compelled to reply!

I deliberately didn't at first to prove a point but now I feel I must.
I did indeed join to buy or sell something a longtime ago... Started posting again to buy another retro bike (and have) only this time I feel compelled to stay and learn (so expect many many dumb questions being asked as I learn).

I don't use social media (at all) so enjoy posting on here, however I did help out on two forums which social media did help kill off, for better or for worse. I dunno but I really don't dig social media and have zero plans to use it, I can post what I had for lunch on here and bug you lot... Also I hope to learn about how to maintain and build a bicycle and maybe enjoy cycling even more. I've really got the bug of late after having some great rides recently on a truly terrible bike (now gone).

So the "upside-down-retro-goldmine" looks like it did work in my favour as I feel I grabbed a bit of a bargain and chat to some truly great (if not completely crazy) folk on here, I've even managed to find new music to listen to!

Cheers for reading my bloomin blog, don't forget to subscribe and smash the like button
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