tour of britain


Old School Grand Master
i was at one of my school yeterday in yarmouth with my boss discusing times for lessons....the conversation went along the lines of......

we are hee all day next week

crap....why ?
(im thinking safety talks humpf)

well the tofbritain stops in the front carpark and we are helping with bikes an stuff

not i get to mess with bikes all day and get paid too?


hmmm....ok then

i like my job.

? :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
Came past my house last year. Mrs S invited some of her girlfriends round and we had a BBQ. They were very interested in all the lean blokes in Lycra going past. Complained that they were going too fast.

Funny, she's never shown any interest in bikes before.

GYCC are doing a load of things for this, including the mini tour thing. Was going to be riding a pedal bus around for the day and on the stand but bloody typical i've gone and got a bloomin job :evil:
i feel for ya....picks up coffee and takes another sip...wheres me bacon roll...oh the strain..
ps next week my sced takes off and im really busy so its not all tea on the beach..