Tottenham riots

silverclaws":1fbubdob said:
But if there is a common feeling what is it ?

Globalisation ?

What ?

Human boredom? these things come round every so often...last time we got fascism and communism, we overthrew monarchies to replace them with republics...

This time? God knows, but I don't want to find out that we're going to go back to living in caves...someone needs to clamp down and fast.
The past was full of wars, history shows that, but something has changed, we now have professional armies whereas before it was more or less a free for all. Perhaps what we are seeing now is the warring spirit contained, and contained because we are all meant to be civil to one another, but maybe it is, we cannot change human nature, a nature that was confditioned by war. If genetic history is a fact, and war is in the blood so to speak, it will be a long time yet before we can kill the warring spirit in us, as it is well ingrained.

But I have said before, what makes wars waged and fought by governments any different from the wars waged and fought by citizens, is one right and the other wrong and if so, what makes it so, because as our countrymen fight and die in other lands for things we do not understand beyond what we are told others see their right to by force right the wrongs metered out on them.

Perhaps our government leads by example.

But to whom does our military ultimately serve, the people or commerce?

Is commerce the citizens of the UK or is commerce something different ?
BoyBurning":1yasv0fy said:
lumos2000":1yasv0fy said:
bm0p700f":1yasv0fy said:
I dislike however alot of the guff being expressed in the media about the casues and fixes. There is no quick fix, those young people and some working people who were invovled are a product of our own society, our very society needs to change including the way families live.

I found it depressing to hear on parent say that if he is alseep and his son goes out to loot how is he supposed to know. These kids today he added just do what ever they want.

That is what I mean about a change to the way families live.

you hit the nail on the head there, a recent discution on my facebook was questioning morality and self disciplin, the problem is morality and self discipline is learnt at an early age from being around family and family values. most of the kids involved it the riots have no idea what this is and only learn from people around them, gangs and gang culture in the meida. other countrys embrace family life where as our culture has no time for it.

Morality and self disciplin (sic) on FaceBook...

Oh the irony...

The kids you mention involved in the riots who would probably stand a better chance of ..."learning from family and family values" possibly would if they actually spent more time with their families rather than glued to FaceBook pages...

Unfortunately, if their parents are anything like my mates with kids they are all too glued to bloody FaceBook pages themselves half the time...


i guess it depends on what you spend you time doing on facebook :roll:
Sick and tired of hearing all the theories and politics surrounding these events.

Britain is broken, we all knew that and this just drives the point home.
The dead kid in Tottingham is related to the plastic n/e Manchester wannabe gangsters by the name of Noonan, the kids been up here and knows them all. The Noonan family pedo turned up on camera chatting to his rent boy....who had a 46 inch flat screen cocked over his shoulder (turned up plum central to the stampede). The pedos nicked and being on license already... is in shit street, his usual method of 'prove it' wont wash this time. Lots of documented little associates were nicked looting and the odd lot have a direct link to Tottingham....not a good wicket, especially being that he's known to livery his vehicles in a almost police car stunt double some bizarre take the piss campaign.
Probably a re-post.

konatime":45ba32gc said:
The dead kid in Tottingham is related to the plastic n/e Manchester wannabe gangsters by the name of Noonan, the kids been up here and knows them all. The Noonan family pedo turned up on camera chatting to his rent boy....who had a 46 inch flat screen cocked over his shoulder (turned up plum central to the stampede). The pedos nicked and being on license already... is in shit street, his usual method of 'prove it' wont wash this time. Lots of documented little associates were nicked looting and the odd lot have a direct link to Tottingham....not a good wicket, especially being that he's known to livery his vehicles in a almost police car stunt double some bizarre take the piss campaign.

Well spotted, Konatime. The Torygraph has the relevent Closed Circuit Telly footage here ... oting.html

It's important to remember that although he might have been "Unlawfully" killed the world is a better place without Duggan.
It would be nice if there was a mechanism by which sufficient circumstatial evidence could be brought into play to secure a conviciton. There are loads of little scrotes out there who are always 'in the car with' or 'nearby' or whatever who never het their collars felt, and who the police can't pick up frequently or they cite harrasment. I belive that there should be somesort of threshold so that sufficient run-ins with the law result in a community scentence. May encourage them to keep their noses out of trouble more, and not slip into the really bad groups so early.