Tottenham riots

I don't think the 'left wing' would target hard working men/women, owning a buisiness that employs 10 people, making a good living. These are not the evil corporate bastards we're talking about. Everybody respects hardworking people, except for maybe these rioters.

The problems start when people make money from having money. This is a problem for me. Not because I envy them, not because I'm jealous, but because it is hurtful for others and for the economy.
I consider myself fairly left wing, and the things I have problems with are multinationals killing off any fair trade, big banks taking risks that are way to high, the bonusses these bankers get while ruining our economy, the ones printing the money asking interest when they lend it out, the ones printing the money deliberatly creating hurtful inflation, thus ruining the economy, putting everyone in more debt, a debt we have to pay back with a surplus interest, this extra money can only come from them because they print the damn thing, see where it's going?

The money is not printed by the state, and thus not under controll of the people. It is printed by an institute owned by private stock holders. If this thing keeps going on as it goes on today, somewhere in the future we end up being slaves, paying off the debt of the generations before us to evil men who had no right to it in the first place. Democracy will die, freedoms will be lost.

This is why I am 'left wing' and this is why I oppose to capitalism in it's current form. I do not hate on hard working people having more stuff than me, and anyone who would is weak, spineless and stupid. I hate on people deliberatly ruining other peoples lives to make more profit. Deliberatly ruining other peoples lives simply for your own interest is to me the definition of a crime.

I'm sounding quite dramatic, ain't I? :LOL:
Dear "Mr Overdramatic"
Agree with most of what you have posted.
For me I have issues with both sides if truth be told.
The free market traders who manipulate share prices to make money - the whole concept of a PLC is fundamentally flawed.
The left prop up unsustainable enterprises, create fat, bloated state apparatus and and are apologists for too many of life's ne'er do wells.
There once was a centreground available for a political party that had a balanced view of how capitalism can be the engine of a good economy whilst protecting the rights and welfare of those people who could not do so themselves.
Sadly this party died a long time ago and the centreground has become overcrowded with the left and right bleeding into the centre.
Sounds about right.
I have issues with both sides too.
It must be frustrating having a two party political system. Not so many options left when these two parties both don't support your main ideas about where politics should go.
Over here that's not such a big problem, though I'm not happy with our political situation either, as you can guess. :LOL: Such a small country, and still not able to get along... cynical really. :?
shovelon":fa0mzu7x said:
I know I am not on the front lines, but the take over here is becoming more and more of race riots.

Here is a Wall Street Journal take on the situation. ... NewsSecond
Seen my share of them in Los Angeles, so I hope this passes soon.

That's just par for the course in birmingham, they hate each other...but I don't think these riots have anything to do with race and thankfully the father of one of the asian boys who got killed has called out for calm, not retribution or else we could have been facing a serious escalation in birmingham.
Shovelon, this is the father of the one of the boys killed, WsJ seemed to miss the most moving parts of his statement... ... m-14481061
These aren't race riots but some of the gangs involved are race specific so it could be seen as such. These are just theiving thugs, some young, some old enough to know better - all just out to grab what they can with little thought of the consequences. The asians that were hurt were just standing outside their mosque trying to protect it from the mob further down the street.
All this would seem like perfect timing for the government.

Faced with making cuts in the police and other areas that will hit many hard.

They now have a great reason to hoik up taxes and further rape the wages of the working man/woman, and tell us all we should be thankful because at least we will have protection from the feckless and lazy.

And thats not a sweeping inclusion of all those on benefits...those that work on minimum wage, those that strive to secure work wherever..
But those that don't want to contribute to their communitys ,whether financially or socially.

Those that take, and expect, and demand we respect them with their menaces, swagger and abuse.

My wife works, I stay at home and look after our son, and soon another offspring.
Her wages are slowly be eroded further as more and more is taken from it to prop up this countrys inept overspending.

She wishes to take 6mths maternity leave when the new one comes, its unlikey we will be able to afford though.

We take nothing from the state ( except child benefit at present) and have tried always to pay our own way.

Both state school educated, both from working class familys, and both with a plan that we would always be able to support ourselves and our family.

Its looking less and less likely we will be able to, monthly out goings are fast approaching incomings, pensions are shrinking, with worse to come.

It almost that the working man/woman is soon to become the new so-called disaffected & underclass.

Kept imprisoned by massive financial chains, whilst the scroungers enjoy a new higher standard of live to keep them happy.

May as well just blow it all off, pack in that job, and live off the state.

Its crazy to think that as my wife currently has 2 dependants we claim nothing.
But if I move out and go and live with my mum, she will be able to claim for childcare, and I can get other benefits....grrrrrrrrrrrr!

How is that a system set up to help, its a system set up to take advantage of.
keitht":1jb8xv92 said:
May as well just blow it all off, pack in that job, and live off the state.

If you leave work by choice [ie. resign] you will not be entitled to job seeker payments.

Just to let you know in case you are serious about joining the welfare system on a full time basis.

BoyBurning":bh0w14bo said:
keitht":bh0w14bo said:
May as well just blow it all off, pack in that job, and live off the state.

If you leave work by choice [ie. resign] you will not be entitled to job seeker payments.

Just to let you know in case you are serious about joining the welfare system on a full time basis.


I am well aware of that fact..

Though in truth some seem to manage to wangle it...sadly a member of my wifes family did as much, and it p***es me right off.

Good job, got pregnant, boyfriend f**ks off, family very supportive..boyfriend comes back..she packs in job to enjoy herself before its too late goosechase with boyfriend, boyfriend f**ks off again.
Now in rented house, with other benefits paid for by you and I.

I would never purposely make myself a burden on the was purely a relative observation.
Do all bad kids come from bad come from good homes too..........brit teen / youth culture of take take take, and don't care about anyone elses life is just getting too much.........i liked these programs, it shows that brit kids are uptight and can't seem to speak about their problems at home in our own culture......what's to blame there ? can't be seen to be soft ? is gangster toughness and a stiff upper lip attitude sending them all crazy ??? ... s_3_India/