Tottenham riots

Gadro":10fqthnk said:
Easy_Rider":10fqthnk said:
I never said I was jealous, please do not put words in my mouth.


Type can be taken literally and a reader can make his own assumptions.


No worries,
Teaching and the police are two professions I would never consider because of the little twats than the modern age has bred, so I don't envy you guys but wish you luck.
Gadro":350ei5hs said:
Trust me it's not the rank and file that are failing you. They want nothing more than to do what everyone wants them to do

It's the ACPO ranks thats are failing the UK public and frontline Officers. The leaders of the Police Service are political lackeys to whatever Government is in power.

Ye-es. That fits very well with a comment made to me by a local Officer, who referred to colleague X and said that the agreed budget cuts meant that the work area mr X presided over would be limited in it's ability to carry out it's role but that Mr X was the A.C.P.O spokesman with regard to that particular area and thus part of the team that had thrashed out the proposed cuts with the Home Office.

In addition to this is the cost of the hundreds of thousands of pounds wasted on an investigation into the chief constable's nepotism and gross misconduct. As well as the £28,000 which his predecessor spunked on a personal shower for her office.

In our area the cuts won't even save money because detainees would have to be taken to Harrogate or even across to Lancashire to be banged up, with consequent costs for Officers been unavailable while they chauffeur their suspects from the place of their arrest to a station that can receive them. Our travel expenses for custody visiting would rise, especially if we were expected to go across to Lancaster to inspect their detention while a rumour in the local force has it that West Yorkshire were asked to provide a quotation for detaining suspects at Keighley [Multiple cell occupancy and consequent complicated risk assessments] the figure was a mere £1000 a head.
There's been great mixed debate on Facebook tonight over the following statement issued by Bristols finest, Massive Attack... well known for their political views.
Just though i'd post it hear to see what you guys thought.

they wrote>>

"In context with the complicit support of the government, the banks looted the nation's wealth while destroying countless small businesses and brought the whole economy to its knees in a covert, clean manner, rather like organised crime.

Our reaction was to march and wave banners and then bail them out. These kids would have to riot and steal every night for a year to run up a bill equivalent to the value of non-paid tax big business has 'avoided' out of the economy this year alone.
They may not articulate their grievances like the politicians that condemn them but this is absolutely political. As for the 'mindless violence'… is there anything more mindless than the British taxpayer quietly paying back the debts of others while contributing bullets to conflicts that we have absolutely no understanding of?

It's mad, sad and scary when we have to take to the streets to defend our homes and businesses from angry thieving kids, but where are the police and what justice is ever done when the mob is dressed in pin stripe."
Aeronaut":2dghq4om said:
There's been great mixed debate on Facebook tonight over the following statement issued by Bristols finest, Massive Attack... well known for their political views.
Just though i'd post it hear to see what you guys thought.

They weren't rioting for any political reason, so the whole argument is a strawman.

I hope the police pay "bristols finest" a visit and arrest them for incitement to riot.
Aeronaut":3ika5x38 said:
There's been great mixed debate on Facebook tonight over the following statement issued by Bristols finest, Massive Attack... well known for their political views.
Just though i'd post it hear to see what you guys thought.

they wrote>>

"In context with the complicit support of the government, the banks looted the nation's wealth while destroying countless small businesses and brought the whole economy to its knees in a covert, clean manner, rather like organised crime.

Our reaction was to march and wave banners and then bail them out. These kids would have to riot and steal every night for a year to run up a bill equivalent to the value of non-paid tax big business has 'avoided' out of the economy this year alone.
They may not articulate their grievances like the politicians that condemn them but this is absolutely political. As for the 'mindless violence'… is there anything more mindless than the British taxpayer quietly paying back the debts of others while contributing bullets to conflicts that we have absolutely no understanding of?

It's mad, sad and scary when we have to take to the streets to defend our homes and businesses from angry thieving kids, but where are the police and what justice is ever done when the mob is dressed in pin stripe."

And yes, that is a general mood I perceive of those whom I live around, for it is a constant source of grumbling that whilst vast sums were made available for the wealthy not to go bancrupt through their own squalid dealings, the poor in society are told to pull in their belts via austerity measures made to pay back the money.

But this group that state this on facebook, is quite correct, the balance if there ever was a balance is tipped in favour of the wealthy at the expense of the poor, capitalism is failing here and worldwide except perhaps China, but then China is a whole different story.

No more Robin Hoods, for all we have now is robbing hoods and I agree hoods in pinstripe.

As to the police, it would help if the rank and file were perhaps less professional and actually said to people they could not help through government policy that although they do sympathise, they as police can not help because of policy, that would gain them more respect and there shift the blame to those who create the problems, as how the police are now, as the focus of the rioters, they are that, because they are the representatives of government policy on the streets. It is not the police as individuals that ae to be attacked, but what they represent.

I once very nearly got into Lancashire constabulary, and looking back I am glad I did not, not because of the hazards of the job, but because I would have to sweep aside my own morals and do what mealy mouthed asshole politicians demanded.

Right now I see the police in a pivotal position, they are the marines on the naval man of war not knowing which way to turn, follow their morals or follow the immorals of twats that have no clue or experience. When it is the police start to falter, that is when the goverment will totally lose the plot.

But what is wrong with anarchy, for sure it changes societies, it has a history of that, oh I know, it is not the British way, we must vote for what we want. But what is the point in voting if those elected continue to fail to live up to their promises, as is always the case.Added to that s the obstacles that are in place to stop those who wish to run for government, for example, first past the post kind of screws it for others other than the established main parties, for it is a closed horse race. But if one cannot air their views via the accepted method, what else is there ?
I feel like I am the odd one out...

My wife and I earn good salaries, pay lots of tax as we are employed, pay school fees (which whatever political spin you want to put on it save a a place in the already overcrowded state system), vote Tory, want to earn more and buy a bigger house, maybe a place in France one day.
I'd quite like a Porsche...

Neither of us has a degree, both of us left education at school leaving age to follow jobs which are predomninantly hard work and unglamorous.

We feel pretty hacked off with a lot of things:
Complaints about fees for uni, if what you are doing is that necessary for employment then surely it is worthwhile, if you earn over £25k a year you pay it back slowly. If you do a degree that helps toward employment then this is an investment. If you don't want to be 'saddled with debt' try NVQ or HND courses on work release in a job area which you may not enjoy but can tolerate.

Rioting and general 'it's not fair' culture. It seems that society is obsessed with happiness. This is so much BS. Happiness is not a right, life is not fair, life is not easy. End of. Work hard, put some effort and do things you may not enjoy and one day it will pay off.

Envy masquerading as 'righteous moral standing'. So the guy with a Range Rover Sport and a 5 bed mock tudor is a wa**ker, enviro-terrorist or whatever. Every stop to think why he has this and you don't? Maybe he is lucky, maybe he just works damn hard.

I fully expect to get shot down in flames over this, banned, called names or held up as an agitator. So what. This is how I feel and for years I have been listening to left wing opinion being trotted out as the 'right' opinion. Well there are plenty of us who are proud to be hard working, ambitious and actually would like to do better in life than our fellow man, and feel little guilt about it. I think we just keep quiet most of the time to avoid unwanted attention.

Listening to this debate makes it sound like 'wealth' and aspiration to wealth is inherently bad. I disagree.
The majority of the rioters have no political reason, they just want to steal under the pretext of a riot.

go and get yourselves an education and a job, stop complaining about your lot.

I like "Bristols Finest", but moaning about big industry is going to help the economy how? Say Government clamps down on these alleged crimes of non payment of tax, then the BIG industry players will look at moving their manufacturing someplace else, and the economy dies a bit more, and the UK becomes more of a giant warehouse, than the manufacturing giant it once was. Without manufacturing and exports the country dies. It pisses me off with all these anti globalisation types preaching about how big industry is so evil. What do they propose as an alternative?

If the government was to announce that "anyone caught rioting should receive a sentence four times the current limit, and the police are free to do what is NEEDED to be done to enforce the law", would be interesting to see how quickly this quietened down. Oh and substantial fines for ANY media that shows what was NEEDED to be done.

These rioters are scum
Stick Legs":3p1trpc4 said:
I feel like I am the odd one out...

Listening to this debate makes it sound like 'wealth' and aspiration to wealth is inherently bad. I disagree.

Don't worry pal i'm with you! (even if i am unemployed *although not on the dole* because i can't get a job)

If you want something you should work for it, that's always seemed reasonable to me...if you want something expensive then you are going to have to work harder, there are no short cuts unless you get lucky.

Yes i am in about 19k of debt from university, but i made that one made me do the degree and if i get a job i understand it will take a little bit more out of my wage...but so be it.

The whole nvq thing... i did want to sign up for an apprenticeship, but I couldn't find an employer who could be bothered with the hassle. Even though they would have got paid by the government to take me on...albeit a nominal fee, no one would have me.

Envy, well i don't really envy other peoples stuff...if they have earned it good for them! so long as they aren't a drugdealer or a criminal! (especially the unsubtle kind who make a big show of the fact they are going to prison then coming out and buying a landrover sport the day after is hardly subtle.)

Happiness isn't a right, but at the same time its not something that can be simply bought...I may be skint, but because theres nothing I really want...I'm happy. I'd be happier if I was working, but not for the money or the shit I could buy but just because I would be working...if that makes sense?

Anyway as my grandfather used to say: La vita e bella ma non è facile. Life is beautiful, not easy...

or as my other grandfather used to say : become a bookie,a publican, a priest or an undertaker because you'll never go out of business. (strangely enough i applied for a job as a mortician today amongst others)