Tottenham riots

sylus":16j8vnys said:
I'd like to see those convicted if they are on have the fines automatically taken from those benefits and any damage deducted from it too

those in work same thing..straight from wages
And the self employed? ;) :LOL:
The Ken":1gi9enso said:
Back in my day we had toxeth riots, brixton riots, miners riots, "hippy" riots at stonehenge, poll tax riots, football casual riots, but we were much more civilized back then and knew how to riot responsibly.

Ah the good ol days :LOL:
tintin40":1w5wjsnq said:
The Ken":1w5wjsnq said:
Back in my day we had toxeth riots, brixton riots, miners riots, "hippy" riots at stonehenge, poll tax riots, football casual riots, but we were much more civilized back then and knew how to riot responsibly.

Ah the good ol days :LOL:

Sighs.... Indeed we had the class to allow the coppers free reign to knock some heads and instill some sense of fear in the local promising footballers

Happy days
sylus":103820yz said:
I'd like to see those convicted if they are on have the fines automatically taken from those benefits and any damage deducted from it too

those in work same thing..straight from wages

Courts already do this for imposed fines, but its means tested. Joe Scroat who has never worked a day in his life will probably pay 50p a month for causing £20k worth of damage. We (by 'we' I mean the liberal ming mongs) can't deprive him from not being able to buy his fags, booze and drugs
Gadro":1gnt15bp said:
sylus":1gnt15bp said:
I'd like to see those convicted if they are on have the fines automatically taken from those benefits and any damage deducted from it too

those in work same thing..straight from wages

Courts already do this for imposed fines, but its means tested. Joe Scroat who has never worked a day in his life will probably pay 50p a month for causing £20k worth of damage. We (by 'we' I mean the liberal ming mongs) can't deprive him from not being able to buy his fags, booze and drugs

Anyway , it would make Mr Scroat go out and rob even more , chemical castration and lethal injection seems more fitting :eek:
No doubt everyone on here has heard the news that the Home Secretary has cancelled ALL Police Officers Leave in England and Wales.

Too little too late

What does this actually mean;

Officers will be financially reimbursed for the inconvenience by claiming enhanced hourly payment rates. For those that want to know the exact figures here they are;

Cancelled leave less than 8 days notice. Hourly payment at double time for a minimum of 6 hours and reimbursement of two days leave back for every day cancelled. This is for the first 3 days of cancelled Annual Leave. Following that Officers are reimbursed at an hourly rate of 1.5. Remember family holidays will have to be cancelled no consideration given.

Cancelled Rest Days less than 5 days notice Officers are reimbursed at a rate of double time.

This is going to cost Millions and is a pointless exercise by a Government that is so blindly stating that Police Budgets will be cut by 20%. There were apparently 16,000 Officers on the Streets of London last night spookily enough this is virtually the exact number of Officers that after these cuts are implemented will no longer exist. Remember these Officers on London's streets are not just the Metropolitan Police. Thousand have been drafted in form other areas of the Country leaving their own Forces depleted. It's plain to see there aren't enough Police now I dread to think what the future holds for Law and Order in the UK

Police are not liked or respected. No doubt the amount of money these Officers could earn will shock some people. remember though, they have no right to strike, can be ordered to return from a family holiday with just a phone call. Many do not want to work but they are a disciplined Service and will follow lawful orders. If not they can ultimately be sacked.
The Olympics are just around the corner. Many forces have told Officer that there will be NO leave authorised between May and August 2012. Imagine the child care grief that would give you in the summer months of the school holidays. It also means that Police Officers cannot attend any Olympic Events as spectators even if they wanted to.

What this Govt is doing to the Police

20% cuts, No Industrial Rights, Exempted from the Human Rights Act, Enhanced Payment rates for cancellation of RD's, etc to be abolished, yet still subject to the same conditions, 14.2% Pension Contributions and a compulsory retirement age of 60. Yep thats right you're going to have 60 year olds attempting to Police Riots like this in the future. The Myth of Office jobs, these are as rare as hens teeth as they've virtually all been civilianised.

Would you fancy a career doing that?

Reap what you sow and if you think Policing in the UK is crap now. Wait till you see what the future brings under this ConDem fiasco.
Just curious, but how much of that was in the contract before signing up?

I'm a professional and earn an ok wage in a good company, we dont even get any sick pay, nevermind anything else.
Everyone's calling for the Police to be tougher

Let wait and see the media hype and public condemnation of cases of Police brutality once this also fizzles out.

Media will scrutinise hundreds if not thousands of Police incidents. Instead of praising countless incidents of bravery and heroism I've no doubt where the media spotlight will fall. If isolated cases of apparent Police brutality are uncovered (which I have no doubt will happen) the condemnation of the the Police service as a whole will quickly follow. Good news afterall is not news, BAD news is. I've heard countless people saying 'they (The police) are just standing there holding their batons, they're not doing anything!'

I pity any Officer that actually uses his/her baton as each strike will be subject to a media frenzy to be scrutinised and ultimately investigated. If I was in that Officers shoes I would be thinking I am justified in hitting this guy because he is threatening violence or damage BUT if I hit him, I will be investigated. I could lose my job and/or go to prison, I will lose my home and could end up losing my family. Is it worth it

All fuelled by an apparently independent media that is controlled my Governmental spin