Totally Stoked - Stokes of London

Stem, which was properly rusty, have cleaned up - but not overdone it I hope.
Now can see is marked as ‘TIGRE Made In France’
Also, has anyone got a lever adjuster like this one? Only have the one : (
Also also, anyone have any idea a. Who made the rack (it has a faint yellow and red decal traces) and b. What the springy metal thing is (stamped Made In England)?


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A few things since last time…
Strata brakes, stripped-down, lightly cleaned, all back and fitted (had no idea how unusual these are, nor the remarkable and short history of the manufacturer.)
Headset’s all back together with new loose bearings, seems happy. There’s a small gap between the top of the tube and the base of the headclip (about 1mm) - is that normal, should there be a o-ring type seal?

Wrangled the stem (no stamps or marks as to who made it that I can see) off the Stratalite ‘Aerts’ bars and am thinking the Lee Chi hoods are past saving :(

For the hoods have you considered coconut oil? I tried it once on a pair with a 50% success rate. If you think they are dead it might be worth a go as there is nothing to lose.