I also share your pain. I earned a living as a bike mechanic for a number of years using essentially the same set of tools. The dizzying array of standards, routings, chargers, apps etc now required to maintain bikes has totally put me off offering to work on every type of bike. I still do a few repairs for friends but I'm just not going to buy any more tools that I might only use once for a certain BB, brake bleed, di2 connection etc etc. I have embraced my curmudgeon status - better to get out and ride the simplest bike that works for you than spend two days in the shed prepping the latest wonder bike (the marketing of which promises so much but in reality delivers not so much other than a lot of - often expensive - faffing). Don't even get me started on the mania for making everything stiffer (to the point you can't see where you're going because your eyes have been shaken out of their sockets and your hands have gone numb).
Anyway, I'm going to go and ride my (20 year old Spooky) bike.