Today's Ride

Sudden autumnal chill today as we move inevitably toward the end of long days and sunshine. Rather a routine ride today, over my usual dirt roads and logging trails outside town.

Two things were notable, though: first, a grey-bearded gentleman descending at speed on a sit-up-and-beg hybrid bike as I sweated up the hill in a very low gear. He declined his head graciously at my wave, but I suspect he couldn't raise a hand from the bars for fear of falling off. But excellent form, old chap -- chapeau!

Second was a large (say 4-foot), very shiny black snake crossing the road. When I stopped to capture it on video, it slithered rapidly into the long roadside grass.

Still, it's better than running over the damn thing and having it flip up and bite me. Which I've heard they can definitely do.
No nice sunrise, sunset or landscape photos on this one, just a dingy alleyway for a Royal Mail collection office as had to pick up a parcel. Figured I'd take the Inbred out given it hasn't been touched at all since getting the Bianchi. Think I've been spoiled a bit from a sub 8kg carbon bike, felt like a bit of a slog but still enjoyable. Think I'm gonna throw the Billy Bonkers back on, one of those DMR single speed kits alongside a smaller width flat bar and use it for shopping runs etc since even heading down to the shopping area in my town is a 3 mile round trip if that with maybe 200ft elevation gain on the return, so don't really need gears.


Weathers looking great for the next couple of days, gonna try and get a long one in tomorrow.