Today's Ride

One of those days where you hum and haw over the potential rainfall, eventually say sod it and go out.


Rained approx 30 seconds after the picture 😆
Well @Gtpulse , if we are going to do bikes and castles... Here's a (good) shot of a priory/castle and a (bad) shot of my Spa Titanium following my descent from Porte de Balés.
Quite a bit more adventurous than I can manage. I remember holidaying in Carcassonne not a million miles from there and being shocked at how steep the hills were the one time I attempted to ride out!

I managed a (bad) shot of both bike and castle. Will try and up my game next ride.
Saturday morning murk(y). Absolutely no chance of any sunshine. Damp.


This morning, almost non-existent NWN breeze. Mild, 12-13 degrees. Started off clear as a whistle but an hour later the murky conditions returned. Low visibility on Chapel Carn Brea 🤣

First officially chilly morning of the season according to moi. Clear skies, very high thin cloud, 6-7 mph NE breeze, 8 but felt like 6 degrees, right on the verge of legging and thermals but I held out with layers, long sleeves, jacket, snood and shorts 🤣


Glorious sunrise followed by a puncture late on. I haven't had one for ages so it was a bit of a novelty fixing it ;)